[Solved] Could not program the board with Create Editor

Hello this is the first time that I tried my arduino with the Create Editor.

I started with the Blink example but it doesn't work. The board was correct detected as Arduino Duemilanove Port COM3. I use the same settings with the arduino ide. There the example worked.

The difference with Create Editor during upload only the RX led is blinking with the normal ide RX and TX was blinking. So it looks that the connection was working only in one direction.

The console output:

"/home/admin/builder/arduino-builder/packages/tools/arm-none-eabi-gcc/4.8.3-2014q1/bin/arm-none-eabi-objcopy" -O binary "/tmp/731564307/Blink.ino.elf" "/tmp/731564307/Blink.ino.bin"

Sketch uses 22124 bytes (4%) of program storage space. Maximum is 524288 bytes.

Send auto-baud

Set binary mode

No device found on COM3

Could not program the board

As second try I uploaded the SerialCallResponse with the ide and look at the Create Editor Serial Monitor that was working fine!

I am working with the plugin 1.0.64 and windows 10. My board is the seeduino with an atmega 328.

Hi @susay,
thanks for your report. First of all what browser are you using? We highly recommend you use Chrome to run the Create Editor.

From your output we see that the builder is calling for the ARM core while it Duemilanove is AVR.
Please tell us what you your complete flow:

  • you connect the board to your PC
  • you select from the dropdown 'Board on COM3'
  • a pop up is opened, please select 'Duemilanove', the 328 processor should be already pre selected
  • you press upload

Please also go to Preference and turn on the Verbose output option. It would be great if you could share the output in this thread.


I tried it with firefox and today also with microsoft edge same problem.

debug console output:

I am not sure if the preselected board is relay correct -> without atmel selection. When I selected manually the Duemilanove, Com3 and Atmel328 it will not work, error and without any tx/rx blinking on my board.

first try -> firefox

  • connect board to PC
  • autoselect Arduino Due (Programming Port)
  • press verify
  • press upload
  • rx is blinking
  • error

second try -> edge

  • reconnect board to PC
  • autoselect Arduino Due (Programming Port)
  • press verify
  • press upload
  • rx is blinking
  • error

third try -> firefox

  • reconnect board to PC
  • manually select Arduino Duemilanove, Com3, Atmel 328
  • press verify
  • press upload
  • nothing
  • error

@susay always make sure you select the Duemilanove and not the Due from the boards list. What do you mean with 'autoselect Arduino Due (Programming Port)'?

In your third try we see you correctly manually selected Arduino Duemilanove, Com3, Atmel 328. It looks like the AVRDude tool was not downloaded. Could you try to redo the exact same flow (maybe on Chrome) and see if this error still happens? Please always share the output.

We tried multiple times here but we cannot reproduce your issue.


Hello 00alis,
today I tried it with Chrome. Same problem.


  • connect board to PC
  • open example
  • select Arduino Duemilanove, Com3, Atmel 328
  • press verify
  • press upload
  • no led is blinking
  • error


When reload the website in firefox always the Due Programming Port is selected. This looks for me like a preselection. But maybe this is only a bug.
In Chrome I have to select always a board by my own.

What did you mean with "looks like the AVRDude tool was not downloaded". Have to install I more than the plugin?

I also tried to install the plugin again without benefit.

Thanks @susay,
we'll try to understand the issue from your logs.
About the 'preselection', the first time you link an unrecognized board to a specific board selected from the popup, the browser remebers what you selected the first time, so you need to press 'change' and select Duemilanove.

Hi @susay please help us in understanding the issue better by running the following commands in the form at the end of the debug console of the Arduino Create Agent.

log on

then send the message with the button and finally:

downloadtool avrdude 6.3.0-arduino8 arduino keep https://downloads.arduino.cc/tools

Please post all the output you get.

Thanks a lot

to be sure that I have always the same problem, I tried it first like the days before. It doesn't work.

Flow after that:

  • Select Board, Port, Atmel
  • Select blink example
  • connect board
  • open debug console
  • "log on"
  • "downloadtool avrdude 6.3.0-arduino8 arduino keep https://downloads.arduino.cc/tools"
  • upload
  • tx rx leds are blinking

Yeah and after that it works! Great!


I tried some other examples everything is fine now. Great tool, no more problems!

Should the Creator Editor normally download this tool automaticity or did I made a mistake?

Hi Susay,

yes that should be downloaded automatically and we are not yet able to really identify the problem.

Thanks a lot for your help! We are glad it now works.

I tried it now first time on my Windows 10 tablet with Firefox. Same problem same solution.
So this problem is reproduceable.

On this cheap tablet (1gb ram, 16gb storage, 7") the editor works really smart. Great mobile arduino programming.

Thank you!

We just pushed a fix, if you try with another device, let us know if now the issue is fixed!
Thanks again for your feedback

@susay let us know if things are working fine for you now :slight_smile:
Thanks a lot!

Hello, I had no more problems on my computers. To be sure I a searched for a new fresh system with same configuration.
I used a Windows 10 with Firefox and a Arduino Nano. I installed the plugin the first time. It worked perfect, no additional action required.

Great work!

Thanks again for you great help in finding and debugging this issue!