[SOLVED] Creating individual groups of adressable leds.


I currently have a sketch (running on an esp8266 board, a Wemos D1 Mini) that recieves data from Adafruit IO and uses that data to set specific leds on a WS2812B strip to a specific hue value. EG, if the sketch recieves "01244" it will set led 1 on the strip to hue value 244. Im the FastLED library to acheive this. However, instead of turning on individual leds, I would like to create "groups" of say, 6 leds and set them all at once, for example "01244" would target leds 1-6, "02244" would target leds 7-12. Im at a loss how to acheive this though, since I have very little experience with programming languages, so id appreciate any pointers/advice you can offer.

Heres my current code:

#include "config.h"
#include <FastLED.h>

AdafruitIO_Feed *smartLamp = io.feed("smartLamp"); // Set up smartLamp feed
CRGB leds[ledNum];

void setup() {
  FastLED.addLeds<NEOPIXEL, ledPin>(leds, ledNum); // Set up LEDS
  Serial.begin(115200); // Start serial connection

  while(! Serial); // Waits for serial monitor.

  Serial.print("Connecting to Adafruit IO");
  io.connect(); // Connect to Adafruit IO
  smartLamp->onMessage(setLed); // Attaches smartLamp feed to setLed function

  while(io.status() < AIO_CONNECTED) { // Wait for connection

  Serial.println(io.statusText()); // Connected


void loop() {
  io.run(); // Adafruit IO magic

void setLed(AdafruitIO_Data *data) { // Function is called when data is received from Adafruit IO
  String stringData = data->toString();
  Serial.println("stringData: " + stringData);
  String ledData = stringData.substring(0,2);
  String hueData = stringData.substring(stringData.length() - 3);
  Serial.println("ledData: " + ledData);
  Serial.println("hueData: " + hueData);
  leds[ledData.toInt()] = CHSV(hueData.toInt(), 255, 255);

And the contents of the config file

#define ioUsername    "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" // Adafruit IO username
#define ioKey         "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" // Your Adafruit IO API key
#define wifiKey       "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" // Your networks SSID
#define wifiPass       "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" // Your networks password

#define ledPin 4 // Pin leds are connected to.
#define ledNum 60 // Number of LEDS

#include "AdafruitIO_WiFi.h"
AdafruitIO_WiFi io(ioUsername, ioKey, wifiKey, wifiPass);
  int baseLed=(ledData.toInt()-1)*6+1;
    leds[baseLed+i] = CHSV(hueData.toInt(), 255, 255);

Thank you! Worked perfectly, and was easily understandable :slight_smile: