[Solved] DC motor with digital pins.

Hi friends, i have 4 x 6v dc motors.

I don't want to control their speed or something else. I just want to start or stop the motors.

So, do i have to use other parts like diode etc?

Or can i connect them directly to the digital pins of the Arduino?

Thanks in advance.

No, you can't just connect them to a output pin.
You need to know what current they require at what voltage.
Then you will need a driver between the arduino and the motor, and you will need a protection diode across the motor wires.
Well that's a start. let us know what you have.

do i have to use other parts like diode etc?


Or can i connect them directly to the digital pins of the Arduino?

As jackwp rightly said, no.

Have a read of this about ways to drive a motor:-

Thank you.

4 x DC 6V with 30mA. So i think, i need 120ma at least.

I am going to feed them with a 6-12v 500ma or 1000ma wall type adapter.

I have 2 x Motor Shield. What do you think, should i use this motor shield or create my own circuit?

Motor shield: http://www.aliexpress.com/item/Big-Discount-Motor-Drive-Shield-L293D-for-Arduino-Duemilanove-Mega-UNO-Free-Shipping-Dropshipping/900053452.html

Pump if you need: http://www.ebay.com/itm/6V-DC-DIY-Dosing-pump-Peristaltic-dosing-Head-For-Aquarium-Lab-Analytical-water-/251314625620?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3a8384dc54

If you wanted to run your motors forward and reverse, I would go with a motor shield. but for just one direction I think a fet circuit would work well.

Hmm, actually i just need one direction to carry the solution. So i think, i would go with fet circuit.

Thank you so much jackwp and Grumpy_Mike.