I am getting an error I haven't been able to resolve, even after a LOT of searching, reading, and experimentation.
I need to use the SoftSPI functions to test a board. I cut my code down to show the error.
Here are the errors when I compile with IDE 1.8.10. My board is the RobotDyne Mega2560. Attached is the failing code.
I used the Greiman DigitalIO library: DigitalIO
Thank you for your help!
(Any examples other than the scope example Greiman provided would be helpful also)
Here is the code:
// The ATmega2560 in the Mega2560 has larger memory space :
// Flash 256k bytes (of which 8k is used for the bootloader)
// SRAM 8k bytes
// EEPROM 4k byte
// Libraries used
//#include "SoftSPI.h"
#include <DigitalIO.h>
// Communications and SD Global Variables and compiler directives
// uncomment DEBUGH to include hardware debugging
// The arduino shield uses pins 38, 39, 40 to read buttons and write LEDS
// Connecting the jumpers below and uncomming DEBUGH all the shield to simulate testing
// Pin 41 is used as the select line to STB to chose Lights (high) or Buttons (low)
// Jumpers on shield
// -- Pin 41 (Digital Connector simulating STB Select) to Pin 4 High is LEDs, Low is Buttons
// -- Pin 40 (Digital Connector PG1 /RD simulating SCK Serial Clock) to Pin 1 CLK
// -- Pin 39 (Digital Connector PG2 ALE simulating MISO Master In Slave Out) to Pin 3 DATK is Buttons Input
// -- Pin 38 (Digital Connector PD7 simulating MOSI Master Out Slave In) to Pin 2 DATA is LEDs Output
//#define DEBUG_STB_PIN (uint8_t) 41
//#define DEBUG_SPI_MOSI_PIN (uint8_t) 38
//#define DEBUG_SPI_MISO_PIN (uint8_t) 39
//#define DEBUG_SPI_SCK_PIN (uint8_t) 40
//#define DEBUG_SPI_MODE (uint8_t) 2
const uint8_t DEBUG_STB_PIN = 41; //
const uint8_t DEBUG_SPI_MOSI_PIN = 38; // PD7 TO OUTPUT
const uint8_t DEBUG_SPI_MISO_PIN = 39; // PG2 ALE INPUT
const uint8_t DEBUG_SPI_SCK_PIN = 40; // PG1 /RD OUTPUT
const uint8_t DEBUG_SPI_MODE = 2;
unsigned long testPattern = 0xAAAAAAAA;
int K=0;
uint8_t BButtons = 255;
#define DEBUGHL 1
#define DEBUGHB 1
void setup() {
// Debug code when Arduino Shield is NOT plugged
// Only plugged into Arduino Shield
#if defined(DEBUGHL) || defined(DEBUGHB)
// Initialization
// SoftSPI sspi;
// Main loop MAIN MAIN MAIN
void loop() {
#ifdef DEBUGHL
testPattern = testPattern << 1; // Shift the 32 bit unsigned integer left 1 bit ie mul by 2 for next light
if (testPattern == 0) { // If we have shifted thru all the lights then start again
testPattern = 1;
// TEST CODE for Hardware
// Test method with shield hardware and hardware test jumpers AND NOT plugged
#if defined(DEBUGHL) || defined(DEBUGHB)
if (K>=350) {
// about once a second
// When STB is HIGH LIGHTS are being written to the Front Panel
// When STB is LOW Buttons are being read (Don't overwrite)
// aka NSTB is HIGH Buttons are being read (Don't overwrite)
// Interrupt and overwrite Buttons when STB goes HIGH (or NSTB goes Low)
// Assert the select for lights
digitalWrite(DEBUG_STB_PIN, HIGH); // This will also generate a Buttons Interrupt
#ifdef DEBUGHL
// Simulate sending lights to Front Panel
// turn on a different light and shift to prepare the next light.
Serial.print(F("Sndg lit tst pat "));
Serial.println(testPattern, HEX);
sspi.send(testPattern); // Simulate sending of lights
// The next rising edge of STB should generate an interrupt to read the Lights
#if defined(DEBUGHL) || defined(DEBUGHB)
// Assert the select for buttons
digitalWrite(DEBUG_STB_PIN, LOW);
#ifdef DEBUGHB
// Simulate reading of buttons
// Read the buttons
BButtons = (uint8_t)sspi.receive(); // Simulate reading
// Did we get any buttons? Should be only one zero bit
if (BButtons!=0 && BButtons != 255) {
// Print the buttons if any pushed
Serial.print(F("Sim Rd of Buttons="));
#if defined(DEBUGHL) || defined(DEBUGHB)
K=0;// Restart the ~1 second counter
K++; // Increment the ~1 second counter
// End of Main Loop