I have a arduino mega and a ethernet shield. I connect the shield but if i try to up the code to the arduino dont work. The program dont have any error only dont up the code I try with all examples.
The tx and rx led dont work
I don't think your problem is being caused by the Ethernet shield. Are you sure you are sending it to the right COM port, and the IDE knows that it is sending to a Mega?
Does the sketch upload ok without the shield connected?
hi the com port it is ok!. I disconnect de ethernet shield a i can up the code. If i connect the shield the code it is upload indefinitely
tried holding reset button while compiling and release reset when IDE wants to upload? it might help...
I disconnect de ethernet shield a i can up the code. If
OK, so you can upload the programme. Will it run if you then re-install the ethernet shield?
tried holding reset button while compiling and release reset when IDE wants to upload? it might help...
It is the solution.
Thank you very much
Does your ethernet shield have a PoE function?