[Solved] help adding RFID tags to sketch

Please can anyone help me with my project because its driving me nuts.
I made a project that unlocks my door with one RFID tag and it works flawlessly, but i couldn't add more tags.
what is the best way to do it?

#include <Servo.h> 
#include <NewSoftSerial.h>
#define MY_TAG_CODE "3200A0346D5D"
Servo myservo;  
NewSoftSerial RFID(2, 3);
String msg;
int locked = 180;
int unlocked = 0;
int trigger = 0;
void setup() 

  Serial.println("Serial Ready");

  Serial.println("RFID Ready");

char c;
void loop() 
    msg += c;

  (trigger = 1);
   Serial.println("Card Accepted");
  digitalWrite(13, HIGH);   // set the LED on
  delay(200);              // wait 
  digitalWrite(13, LOW);    // set the LED off 

  if (trigger == 1)
 Serial.println("Door unlocked");

  digitalWrite(13, HIGH);  
  digitalWrite(13, LOW);    
  Serial.println("Door locked");
 (trigger = 0);

This doesn't work?

#define MY_TAG_CODE "3200A0346D5D"
#define MY_TAG_CODE2 "someothercode"

if(msg.indexOf(MY_TAG_CODE)>=0 || msg.indexOf(MY_TAG_CODE2)>=0)

This doesn't work?

#define MY_TAG_CODE "3200A0346D5D"
#define MY_TAG_CODE2 "someothercode"

if(msg.indexOf(MY_TAG_CODE)>=0 || msg.indexOf(MY_TAG_CODE2)>=0)

thanks Ragnar, now it works :wink:
I was doing it the wrong way

  if(msg.indexOf(MY_TAG_CODE) || msg.indexOf(MY_TAG_CODE2)>=0)

am newbie indeed :sweat_smile:

You could create a for loop to cycle trough an array of allowed keys. Something like:

int codenum = 5; \\ Amount of codes in your list
char codes[codenum] = {

for(int x = 1; x < (codenum+1); x++) { // For loop means for every x to stuff

if(msg.indexOf(codes[x])>=0) {  // So for every x check x's value in the list of codes against incoming code. if match unlock.

break; // Not really nessecary, but it neater. this way the for loop is stopped early if the code is early in the list


Im not an expert, so feel free to tell me im wrong ^^
Pretty sure this would work fine.