[SOLVED] Hitachi HD44780 LCD Display, Not Working.

Hello There.

I bought a Arduino Kit Last year, and I am experimenting with the LCD Display Just today.

I wrote the code I got in the Guide, and compiled it, and it was fine.

I tried Uploading it, and I ran into an issue with my Display. Nothing was seen.

I roated the 10k Preset, and was able to adjust the contrast on it. Now, instead of the Characters, all I am Seeing is Just Boxes.

I Checked the wiring that was given multiple times, and yet see no Issues.

Using the examples provided in the IDE, I managed to Pinpoint the issue to just the Text part of the Display, and that the Backlight works fine enough.

How do I Proceed now? I was just testing this LCD Display, for a different project, which I need To submit in Two weeks. Quick Support would be Appreciated.

I Will attach images of the Instructions and Wiring given in the book, Along with the current state of my LCD.

[Yes, All the blocks do work. Just that when I took the photo, the other blocks were not used by the Code]

This was the code I got in the book. In case it is not legible from the Photo.

#include <LiquidCrystal.h>;
LiquidCrystal MyLCD (12,11,5, 4, 3, 2);
void setup () 
  MyLCD.begin (16,2);
  MyLCD.home ();
  MyLCD.print ("Hello World");
  MyLCD.setCursor (0,1);
  MyLCD.print ("16x2LCD");
void loop ()

Thanking you in Advance.


Okay. I just Reconnected everything, According to the way it was in the book.
I worked now. Problemo Solved.