[Solved]How does a String read from Serial does end?


I receive a string from an Uno, containing my IR hex values, for example "20DF8877". These I read with


If it is from the right controller I check with startsWith("20DF") - works fine.

sadly endsWith("8877") does not.

length of the string is 10 while 8 characters are incoming, so I assume a termination signal follows. I have tried several:


also played a bit with * and & as a placeholder - no way, it does not get recognized.

Any idea which comparison would work fine? (Placeholder or termination characters)

"Why do you instead not.." :
I am aware I could create a char and so an, but as I also want the code to be compatible to ESPs, I´d like to stick to the String solution. I also could expand startsWith , but this would result in lots of wasted bytes.
I also try to avoid any cropping cutting whatever, as this would result in (minimun one) extra step.

reads \n but doesn't append it.
does the IR send lline end characters?
the readStringUntil ends after timeout if no more characters arrive. default timeout is 1 second

reads \n but doesn't append it.
does the IR send lline end characters?
the readStringUntil ends after timeout if no more characters arrive. default timeout is 1 second

Very good point, just re-checked the ir sketch.
Putting the same to string which is sended results in the 8 character string "20DF8877". I.e. on the IR receiving and RX TX sending Arduino:

Serial.println(results.value, HEX);
String t = String(results.value, HEX);

prints out


after receiving it on the second one, it is then 10 characters long and also prints 20DF8877.

Serial.readStringUntil('\n') responds very fast and does not delay a second. Serial.readString on the other hand, has the one second delay.

Found it !

delay on ir receive loop seemed to be too high. Set it from delay(100) to delay(10), which results in receiving a 9 character string. Does not make much sense to me - however:

.endsWith("8877\r") now triggers fine :smiley:

Also checked if .readStringUntil('\r'); would result in 8 character string - it does not, I directly get the one second delay. Seems the /r is applied by the readString function.

However, it works fine now ;D

Also checked if .readStringUntil('\r'); would result in 8 character string - it does not, I directly get the one second delay. Seems the /r is applied by the readString function.

didn't you mix up the experiments?
sure is readString doesn't end on \r, only on timeout.
readStringUntil('\r'); doesn't put \r into result String