(SOLVED) How Multiwii Quadcopter Position On HOLD

I'm so happy with Arduino product since I now know many awesome projects with it (even though it's just a kind of protoype).

I now try to make my drone hover (self-levelling) using bmp280 and bmp180. However, it is not good enough as shown by Joop Brokking. He is like a teacher for me.

I see that bmp180 is compatible with bmp085 (config.h in arduino multiwii firmware) and I dont need to change anything but adding the #define BMP085 in the board I picked.

#if defined(LADYBIRD)
  #define MPU6050
  **#define BMP085**
  #define ACC_ORIENTATION(X, Y, Z)  {imu.accADC[ROLL]  = -X; imu.accADC[PITCH]  = -Y; imu.accADC[YAW]  =  Z;}
  #define GYRO_ORIENTATION(X, Y, Z) {imu.gyroADC[ROLL] =  Y; imu.gyroADC[PITCH] = -X; imu.gyroADC[YAW] = -Z;}
  #define MINTHROTTLE 1050
  #define MAXTHROTTLE 2000
  #define EXT_MOTOR_32KHZ
  #define VBAT
  #define VBATSCALE       420
  #define VBATLEVEL_WARN1 330
  #define VBATLEVEL_WARN2 330
  #define VBATLEVEL_CRIT  105
  #define NO_VBAT         10
  #define MOTOR_STOP 

it works, not bad. But I want more stable.

When the drone on hover and landed, I can feel the battery cable and motors are sooooo HOT!!! My assumption is that the drone was struggling to keep itself on hover by forcing more power from battery and force the motors to spin in a constant state or position (btw, do you have solution to reduce the heat?)

Here's the mini drone I make:

Or simply because when the drone is on hold heat dissipation is reduced...

I did experiment (manually) With altitude hold off, even though the throttle shows, say, 50%, the drone will go down slowly or fast. In the position on hold (altitude hold on), with throttle, say 50%, drone actually goes down but sistem (baro) forces motors to keep spinning. This needs more power from power supply.

Result: 2 minutes flying:
with baro mode OFF: normal heat dissipation (i can touch it for longer)
with baro mode ON: heat dissipation increased (I can't touch it, sooo hot)

So, flying on hover doesnt reduce the heat dissipation.
Can you explain more?

Sorry, but heat dissipation depends also on air speed ( then if you have a fan that blow air at a certain speed to a dissipator or you move the dissipator at the same speed is the same )

SOLVED > I use AWG 26 for all wires and 24 for battery.
Trust me, I simply didn't know that Thickness and Types of WIRES/CABLE Determines the Heat Problem. (I asked chatGPT unexpectedly and tested it. LOL)
Now I can fly my drone longer based on the mAh of the battery without heat dissipation and baro module can work as expected!!!