I can not get my 3.2'' LCD work with my Due.
The LCD I bought from ebay is http://www.ebay.com/itm/3-2-inch-TFT-LCD-module-Display-with-touch-panel-SD-card-240x320-than-128x64-lcd-/200908823757?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item2ec7195ccd
However, what I really got is looks more like this SainSmart 3.2"tft LCD Display Touch Panel PCB Adapter SD Slot 4 Arduino Mega2560 for sale online | eBay
(except there is no URL for SainSmart on the back side of the LCD, but there is text "TFT_320QVT" on the back side)
And by following the document of UTFT library, I connect my LCD with my Due by wires directly. (The document does not mention about LED_A, but I connect it to 3V3)
I also changed the example code according my configuration (In fact I tried all models supported by the library)
The only thing I got is the white screen.
Does that mean I got a defective LCD? Or there is something wrong with what I did?
Btw, it seems the touch module works. I just modified the code to make the LED on pin 13 blink when the myTouch.dataAvailable() == 1. And it does when I touch the screen by my finger.
Thank you for your help.