[SOLVED] LCD using i2c no longer works

I have been using the 4 wire LCD display with shield from banggood

and using the i2c driver from

It was working perfectly on the web create.arduino.cc in December 2019

Now (February 2020) the exact same code, exact same library no longer works on create.arduino.cc
But it works perfectly using the locally installed arduino.

Something appears to have been broken on the website.

Anyone else found this?

Here is the code that works perfectly on my desktop version of Arduino but not longer works on the create.arduino.cc (it used to work perfectly on create.arduino.cc).
It crashes on the line lcd.begin(); and I have no idea why.
Can anyone help me with this?

// stop it game
// single player LED Game
// January 2020
// Use this one for my students in 8MT

// thanks to
// https://www.instructables.com/id/StopIt-LED-Game-powered-by-arduino/

// Setup the LCD
#include <Wire.h> 
#include <LiquidCrystal_I2C.h>

// Set the LCD address to 0x27 for a 16 chars and 2 line display
LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x27, 16, 2);  // 16 characters, 2 rows

// initialise the LEDs and Button
int Led1Pin = 2; //The pin of the first LED.
int Led2Pin = 3; //The pin of the second LED.
int Led3Pin = 4; //etc.
int Led4Pin = 5;
int Led5Pin = 6;
int Buzzer = 7;  // The pin of the buzzer

int ButtonPin = 8; //The pin of the button.

//The state of the button
boolean old_val = LOW;
boolean buttonPress = LOW;

// Flag button press so we can only press one time per light
int buttonFlag = 0;

// My current score
int score = 0;

// High score
int HighScore = 0;

//Stores which LED is on.
int LightPosition = 0;

//How much time in between LED light changes.
int pause = 1000;

//What time it was when we last moved the light.
long lastMove = millis();

// ----------------------------------------------------

void setup()
  pinMode(Led1Pin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(Led2Pin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(Led3Pin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(Led4Pin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(Led5Pin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(Buzzer, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(ButtonPin, INPUT);
  // Robojax code for LCD with I2C
  // initialize the LCD
  lcd.begin();  // lcd is an object, begin is a method
  Serial.begin(9600); // initialise serial monitor

  // Turn on the blacklight and print a message.
  lcd.backlight();  // turn on the backlight
  lcd.print("Jesus is Lord!");
  //Start a new game.
// ----------------------------------------

void loop()
  // Read the button input
  buttonPress = digitalRead(ButtonPin);
  //Current time
  long currTime = millis();
  //Move the light.
  if(currTime - lastMove >= pause)
    lastMove = currTime; //Remember when we switched LED
    LightPosition++; //increment the Light position.
    if(LightPosition >= 6) LightPosition = 1;
    move(LightPosition);//Update the light position.
    // Set button flag back to 0 for next round
    buttonFlag = 0;
  //When the player presses the button...
  if(buttonPress == HIGH && old_val == LOW && buttonFlag == 0)
    //If the pressed it when the light was in the middle, speed up and continue.
    if(LightPosition == 3)
      // We win, increase the score
      if (score > HighScore) HighScore = score;
      // Flag the button press to stop double press/win
      buttonFlag = 1;
      digitalWrite(Led3Pin, LOW);
      digitalWrite(Led3Pin, HIGH);
      //Speed up the game.
      if (pause > 700) {
        pause -= 100;
      } else if (pause > 500) {
        pause -= 50;
      } else if (pause > 300) {
        pause -= 20;
      } else if (pause > 10) {
        pause -= 10;
      } else if (pause > 1) {
        pause -= 1;
      String outputScore = "Score: " + String(score);
      String outputDelay = "Delay: " + String(pause);
    } else //If the pressed it at the wrong time, show their final score and start a new game.
      //Game over
      Serial.println("GAME OVER");
      Serial.println("Final Score ");
      lcd.print("Game Over :(");
      lcd.setCursor (0,1); // go to the start of 2nd line      
      lcd.print("Score:" + String(score) + " High:" + String(HighScore));
      //Blink the Led that the player stopped on.
      for (int x = 0; x <= 10; x++)
        if(digitalRead(LightPosition + 1) == LOW)
          digitalWrite(LightPosition + 1, HIGH);
          tone(Buzzer, 1000);
          digitalWrite(LightPosition + 1, LOW);
      //Show a LED bar based on how well the player did.
      if (pause < 800)
        digitalWrite(Led2Pin, HIGH);
      if (pause < 600)
        digitalWrite(Led3Pin, HIGH);
      if (pause < 250)
        digitalWrite(Led4Pin, HIGH);
      if (pause < 100)
        digitalWrite(Led5Pin, HIGH);
  old_val = buttonPress;


//Updates the light's position.
void move(int LightPosition)
 //Turn off all LEDs
for (int x = Led1Pin; x <= Led5Pin;x++)
  digitalWrite(x, LOW);

//Turn on the LED
digitalWrite(LightPosition + 1, HIGH);

void newGame()
  LightPosition = 0;
  pause = 1000;
  score = 0;
  Serial.println("New Game: Score 0");

void updateLCD()
    // LCD setup for new game
  lcd.print("Score:" + String(score) + " High:" + String(HighScore));
  lcd.setCursor (0,1); // go to the start of 2nd line
  lcd.print("Delay:" + String(pause));

I have figured out that I have to change




Why? I don't know.
Why does it have to be changed to init() all of a sudden?

Anyway, I will mark this as solved if I can.

I got a hint to solve this from

I have figured out that I have to change




Why? I don't know.
Why does it have to be changed to init() all of a sudden?

You are using either a different version of the library or a different library than you were before.
There are several different libraries out there with a LiquidCrystal_I2C.h header file and LiquidCrystal_I2C class.

--- bill