Sorry, I am new in Arduino,
recently i am learn lcd12864
I am try this library Arduino Playground - LCD12864
the library is OK then I can show example for 012 and cicyle.
But i want to try use the bitmaps to show my picture, then i don't know how to do.
Could u supply a example code for me please?
I have convert the bitmaps and copy the array to the LCDsprite.h.
But i don't know how to show....
The code is like
#include <LCD12864.h>
void setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:
LCDA.DrawSprite(128,0); delay(500);
But there r nothing on my lcd12864.
two question is that to open the full windows , which command should i use. to show more bitmaps on lcd12864 and call them if that is a large number picture.
The Library seems to be very old. Maybe you should select a more recent lib...
A good stating point is this: Then use your browser to look for the display controller (I think this is ST7920 in your case).
First, thx for u relpy.
but the new library seems support for spi or i2c lcd12864.
i can't find the hardware for 8bits mode for my lcd12864.
And i seems maybe u just tell me how to use the old library .
It maybe is the fast solved for the problem direct.
Guys , I find that the library is not support the pixel for 12864
because the page maybe could open only one
such like
top buffer 12832
bottom buffer 128*32;
so i send the 12864 that picture will disappear all.
because the picture is not support the 128*64 picture.
have anybody could modify the library or supply the newest version
for 12864 picture full screen version
i can't find the hardware for 8bits mode for my lcd12864.
And i seems maybe u just tell me how to use the old library .
I do not think that the original author is still active, so it is difficult to get any help for this old library.
Indeed I wonder whether it still works in the latest Arduino IDE.
Let me write more directly. I think your problem can be solved without problems for u8g2.
U8g2 is under active development, it will work under the latest Arduino IDE, it can be installed via the Arduino IDE library manager and there are many many users who will help you with this.
Just one week back, someone wrote a new tutorial on u8g2 and bitmap graphics: Pixel Art on OLED Display -
Here is another tutorial, which covers your problem:
And of course, u8g2 will support your ST7920 display in either SPI or 8 Bit mode: gallery · olikraus/u8g2 Wiki · GitHub