[solved] ? make extension cable male/female for unplug the screen on arduino

Hello World ! :slight_smile:

Could you tell me how to make an extension cable male <--> female for not plug the shield screen on the arduino mega?

Could you tell me how to make an extension cable male <--> female for not plug the shield screen on the arduino uno?

Where do you buy connectors ?

For arduino mega, I already have the flat wire (old cable IDE of my computer).

Which screen?

The shield pins aren't designed to be extended. Usually you would choose a screen which is not a shield.

Sparkfun and Adafruit are the first places I would look for connectors.

The shield pins aren't designed to be extended. Usually you would choose a screen which is not a shield.

too late ! I will know for the next time

Which screen?


When the screens are connected to the arduinos, I no longer have access to the other pins.
In my project, there is not enough room behind the screens to put the arduinos.

So I need cables between the screens and the arduino.
Extensions a bit like this one.





You need this kind of hook-up wire:

You need this kind of hook-up wire:

nice rainbow colors ... but

I already have the flat wire (old cable IDE of my computer).

I need conectors or other economical solution...

Get some of these:

and these:

And solder very carefully.

You could also look for IDC connectors, but my google foo is failing me right now.

Or get a "wing shield" which brings the pins out to the sides. Put that under the screen and you can still get to the pins.

Also look at a "screw shield" for more robust connections.

Pololu carries connectors etc. Pololu - Connectors

See this PDF:


Maybe this can help you ?

Connect HY-TFT320 to Arduino Mega2560

  BL CTR(pin23)   ->   3.3V
  VCC             ->   3.3V
  RD(pin4)        ->   3.3V
  GND             ->   GND
  DB1~DB8         ->   pin D37~D30
  DB10~DB17       ->   pin D22~D29
  RS(pin2)        ->   D38
  WR(pin3)        ->   D39
  LCD_CS(pin1)    ->   D40
  RSET(pin5)      ->   D41

Connect HY-TFT320 to Arduino UNO

  BL CTR(pin23)   ->   3.3V
  VCC             ->   3.3V
  RD(pin4)        ->   3.3V
  GND             ->   GND
  DB1~DB6         ->   D8~D13
  DB7             ->   A0
  DB8             ->   A1
  DB10~DB17       ->   D0~D7
  RSET(pin5)      ->   A2
  LCD_CS(pin1)    ->   A3
  WR(pin3)        ->   A4
  RS(pin2)        ->   A5

I have directly connected a Sainsmart 3.2" TFT display to my arduino mega with cables so i could access the other pins on my arduino, and i had to use 31 pins to connect the tft screen, touch sensor and sd card. i did this but following the screens input pins which i found on their website. screen pdf i have been using it for months, however just change the LEDA pin to 3.3v else it will get hot, i found that out after some testing, it wont be any dimmer and stays very cool, so that says it all. there is also an old post showing the same thing again LEDA should be 3.3v connect tft directly

To start with, Find a old style 40 pin IDE cable. They came with 2 and 3 connectors. Cut the third plug off with a sharp knife. You can then use extra long header pins to connect to the shield. Alternatively, you can remove the original shield plug and replace it with standard header pins.

Note: there is no key on these plugs. Be careful, Make sure you plug it in properly. Double check it.

You could make a cable up yourself with the proper M/F connectors, but unless you have the proper tools or reasonable facsimiles, you could be wasting your time. Getting these plug square on the cables is essential. Any misalignment can cause a Bad connection or even a Shorted pin.

Hope this helps.


Thank you for yours answers.
From my old computer, I use 2 x IDE slots and 1 x IDE flat wire
Il will buy 1 female and 1 male 40 pin connector for TFT shield.
To use my IDE fat wire, I need will make 2 shields, 1 connected to Mega, 1 connected to screen, because a pin is missing.
In some weeks I give you pictures.