Hi all,
My project uses a MKR Zero and an I2C 20x4 LCD Display (Midas MC42005A6W-SPTLYI-V2). I have had trouble writing to the LCD display and have tried a few different Libraries in doing so. At this point I just need functionality before I can move on with this project. Attached is a small circuit diagram and the latest code/library I have been using, created by 'Bill Perry'. I'm just trying the hello world sketch. Help would be greatly appreciated. I also used an I2C scanner and found the address 0x3f, that's why it's in written into the code.
// vi:ts=4
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// HelloWorld - simple demonstration of lcd
// Created by Bill Perry 2016-07-02
// bperrybap@opensource.billsworld.billandterrie.com
// This example code is unlicensed and is released into the public domain
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// This sketch is for LCD modules that have a native I2C interface such as
// PCF2119x, PCF2116, or certain RayStar LCDs rather than those LCD modules that
// use an i/o expander chip based based backpack.
// NOTE:
// These devices usually need external pullups as they typically are not on
// the module.
// Use caution when using 3v only processors like arm and ESP8266 processors
// when interfacing with 5v modules as not doing proper level shifting or
// incorrectly hooking things up can damage the processor.
// Sketch prints "Hello, World!" on the lcd
// If initialization of the LCD fails and the arduino supports a built in LED,
// the sketch will simply blink the built in LED.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// LiquidCrystal compability:
// Since hd44780 is LiquidCrystal API compatible, most existing LiquidCrystal
// sketches should work with hd44780 hd44780_I2Clcd i/o class once the
// includes are changed to use hd44780 and the lcd object constructor is
// changed to use the hd44780_I2Clcd i/o class.
#include <Wire.h>
#include <hd44780.h>
#include <hd44780ioClass/hd44780_I2Clcd.h> // i2c LCD i/o class header
// Note, i2c address can be specified or automatically located
// If you wish to use a specific address comment out this constructor
// and use the constructor below that specifies the address
// declare the lcd object for auto i2c address location
//hd44780_I2Clcd lcd;
// enter address of LCD.
// Addresses seen so far include:
// - 0x3a, 0x3b (PCF2119x)
// - 0x3c (unknwon chip)
// - 0x3d (unknwon chip)
// - 0x3e (unknwon chip)
// - 0x3f (unknwon chip)
// declare i2c address and constructor for specified i2c address
const int i2c_addr = 0x3f;
hd44780_I2Clcd lcd(i2c_addr); // use device at this address
// LCD geometry
const int LCD_COLS = 20;
const int LCD_ROWS = 4;
void setup()
int status;
// initialize LCD with number of columns and rows:
// hd44780 returns a status from begin() that can be used
// to determine if initalization failed.
// the actual status codes are defined in <hd44780.h>
// See the values RV_XXXX
// looking at the return status from begin() is optional
// it is being done here to provide feedback should there be an issue
status = lcd.begin(LCD_COLS, LCD_ROWS);
if(status) // non zero status means it was unsuccesful
// begin() failed so blink error code using the onboard LED if possible
hd44780::fatalError(status); // does not return
// Print a message to the LCD
lcd.print("Hello, World!");
void loop() {}