Hi, I would like to make a circuit without microcontroller, that switch on a LED during few seconds when a button is pressed. NE555 monostable should be ok but I don't want that all restart if the button stays pressed. How to do so that you need to release the button to validate the next time you press it?
Ask Mr Google or one of his friends, there are zillions of circuits on the internet for the 555 timer, you just need to look.
would like to make a circuit without microcontroller,
So its odd you post on a microcontroller forum.
How to do so that you need to release the button to validate the next time you press it?
You couple the button to the Arduino through a capacitor, to turn a level into into a pulse.
Actually it's not easy and it's normal nobody knows how to do here. I didn't want a microcontroler like an Uno bcz it have a big consumption but I did it with Attiny85 which is a good compromise.
EDIT: it seems possible with capacitor, transistor, resistor and CD4050
NE555 monostable should be ok but I don't want that all restart if the button stays pressed.
How to do so that you need to release the button to validate the next time you press it?
What does this mean ?
A 555 Timer monostable outputs a pulse when triggered.
The pulse width is a function of some component values.
The trigger can be a button but it should be debounced with an RC circuit.
Just to be clear, the 555 doesn't CARE what happens AFTER you press the button !
If responds to the trigger (rising or falling edge) and not the trigger pulse width so asking about a 555 circuit
that waits for you to release the button is pointless.
Use the ATTiny85 instead.
If you solved it, it is common courtesy to post how you solved it. This forum isn't just for the poster, it is for all the
people who read the posts. Changing your post title to reflect that you solved it without any explanation is not
very courteous to all the people who read the post and are left wondering how you solved it.
It's certainly possible to do it with a 555 but not only with it. It's why I also thought to make it directly with an Attiny85 but somebody thinks it may possible with capacitor, transistor, resistor and CD4050 but I don't have the answer. If he finds how, it would be a pleasure to share it.
Meanwhile I simply use an Attiny85
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