Hi all,
I need some help getting an i2c adaptor to work with a 16x2 lcd display please.
I bought the adaptor cheap on eBay from China. There was almost no detail at all on the eBay page, not even the i2c address, but it looks identical to many others available. The lcd is a standard blue backlit HD44780. I purchased several of these, also very cheap from eBay some time ago and have used them in parallel mode with Arduino without problems.
Rob Tillart's i2cScanner sketch tells me the address of the adaptor is 0x27. It has aPCF8574T chip, which is an ordinary 8-bit i2c i/o expander, I believe.
When I power the adaptor/display up, the power light on the adaptor lights and the display backlight comes on. The display shows white blocks on the top row. This is normal appearance before initialisation codes are sent, as I remember from using these displays in parallel mode.
When I run the LiquidCrystal_i2c "Hello World" sketch, the backlight goes off but the display does not otherwise change. If I reset the arduino, the backlight flashes very briefly and that's all.
My suspicion is that the way the PCF8574 pins are wired to the display are different to what the sketch expects. Hence why the backlight goes off when the sketch is supposed to switch it on. If that is the case, the enable, control/data pins etc could also be different.
There seem to be multiple i2c libraries around for lcd. Can anyone recommend one they have used with this adaptor?
I may have to purchase another adaptor from the same supplier, and test it on breadboard before soldering up to the display...
Adaptor: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/191196050930?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1497.l2649
PS. I know the i2c bus is working fine, I tested it with the ds3231 rtc you can see in the bottom picture.