( Solved ) Need Help with Ir reciever connection ( KSM 803 )

I've searched on the internet and couldn't find the proper way to connect the receiver and I'm hoping somebody here could help

There's a picture attached which has three numbers , if you could answer as 1 - Vcc 2 - ground 3 - signal(example) ,I would be really thankful

Edit : Found the way to connect It's Attached below

Find out yourself! Nothing can be damaged by a wrong connection.

First check with an Ohm meter, and if you can find 2 pins which have the same resistance in both directions that's Vcc and output. Now connect the third pin to Gnd and the other pins to Vcc and a digital input pin. Run the IRremote receive test and use your remote control to find out which is the output pin.

If you cannot find 2 such pins, try all possible combinations.

I don't have an ohmeter so that would be a problem , also when I try random connections the receiver gets really hot and that kind of worries me that it might get damaged

Just out of interest I Googled "KSM 803" and in a couple of seconds I found dozens of datasheets with pin configurations for the KSM-803 e.g. datasheet KSM-803LM

I don't know how you "searched the internet" but I can recommend Google.
