[SOLVED] Nextion 3.2" communication


I'm trying to make my NX4024T032 work with Mega 2560.

Connected the screen to a 5V/1A external power supply.

Nextion connected to Serial2 right now, but also tried 1 and 3.
(Mega TX2 -> Nex RX
Nex TX -> Mega RX2)


  • Nex sends data to Mega (RX2) correctly
  • but if I send data from Mega (TX2) it arrives back to Mega (RX2), like it would be shorted on Nex side :frowning:

I've tried Nex examples, but even nexInit() returns error (which means command was not confirmed by Nex)

So I made a simple code trying to test com:

void setup(void)

bool datasent=false;
void loop(){

void serialEvent2()
    char inChar = (char)Serial2.read();

    if((byte)inChar == 0xFF)

void setT0Text(String message)

My nextion sends a postinitialize message, that arrives to Mega fine.
But my setT0Text function is also returned by the SerialEvent2 and Nex does nothing meanwhile.

I would appreciate any suggestion.


Problem solved... only required a jumper wire between the power supply GND and Arduino GND, because those must be common LoL...