I have been using successfully for a few years (!) now a function using blocking code that receives incoming packets from hardware serial port (via RS485 driver) and I have recently tried to rewrite this function using non-blocking code shown below.
Few words about the protocol:
-Packet begins with two consecutive 0xAA bytes.
-The next byte indicates the total length of the packet excluding the first two 0xAA bytes.
The actual data bytes then follow
The packet ends with 2 CRC check bytes
The function below works fine for some time, then for some reason stops returning any received bytes.
Note that the program doesn't freeze and the rest of the functions continue to work.
So , I suspect that some situation arises in the incoming stream that has not been taken care of.
Any help appreciated
So here s my code :
bool checkIncData_SM() {
static int index;
static enum {IDLE, AA1, LEN, DATA} state;
static byte tempPacket[MAX_PACKET_SIZE]; // max size defined as 78
byte c;
if (Serial1.available() < 1 ) { return false; } // No data; stay in the current state
while (Serial1.available()>0) {
c = Serial1.read(); // read the available data
switch (state) {
case IDLE: // between packets; wait for first 0xAA
if (c == 0xAA) {
state = AA1;
break; // Otherwise stay in IDLE.
case AA1: // Say first AA, waiting for the second
if (c == 0xAA) {
state = LEN;
} else
{state = IDLE;return false;} // some sort of error
case LEN:
if (c == 0xAA) {break;} // Additional AA are ignored
if (c > MAX_PACKET_SIZE || c==0) { // in case packet size is received out of range or 0, packet is droped
sprintf( replyBuffer, "Wrong Packet Rcvd Length: %d",c);
state = IDLE;
// break;
return false;
tempPacket[0] = c; // save length
index = 1;
state = DATA;
case DATA:
tempPacket[index++] = c; // save data from pkt
if (index == tempPacket[0]) { // Was that the last byte of the packet?
state = IDLE; // ready to start another packet.
index = 1;
if (Check_crc(tempPacket) )
// If pkt is good, copy pkt to global IncPacket array
// and return true to the main loop
{for (int x=0; x<tempPacket[0]; x++) {IncPacket[x]=tempPacket[x];}
return true;}
else {return false;}
} // end of switch
return false; // nothing to do yet, return null
Could you please elaborate on the need for timeout?
As written, your device could receive a partial packet (AA AA 07) that is the result of line noise or a sender dropping out, followed by a delay, then a complete packet. The complete usable packet will be dumped at the CRC check. Including a timeout would allow checkIncData_SM to reset when it becomes clear the sender is not going to finish making it less likely to lose valuable data.
Reporting line noise / sender dropping out can be very handy when debugging communications.
There are applications that require detecting communications failures as part of a recovery process (e.g. shutdown the gas compressing engine if the pressure sensor fails to send fresh data so all of Coke County does not catch on fire).
Including a timeout would allow checkIncData_SM to reset when it becomes clear the sender is not going to finish making it less likely to lose valuable data.
Now I see what you meant!
Given the variable length of packets and the random nature of packet transmission, its not easy to calculate the required max timeout though..
The code in Serial Input Basics is non blocking and I have never experienced a hang-up when using it.
Perhaps the OP has led to a misunderstanding .
The code above doesn't hang-up.
It just doesn't return a valid packet after working (seemingly) flawlessly for a certain amount of time ranging from a few hours to almost a day.
Perhaps the OP has led to a misunderstanding .
The code above doesn't hang-up.
It just doesn't return a valid packet after working (seemingly) flawlessly for a certain amount of time ranging from a few hours to almost a day.
My code should reliably produce whatever is received. If it happens to be invalid then it would be the fault of external forces - i.e. not sent correctly or corrupted during transmission.
In my experience it is a useful debugging tool to be able to view the received data before trying to parse it.
My code should reliably produce whatever is received.
Are you referring to the code in example 6 ?
In my experience it is a useful debugging tool to be able to view the received data before trying to parse it.
I agree.
I do have an option to enable printout of the received packets on the serial monitor ONCE they have passed CRC validation.
The issue here however is that the problem arises before this point and it is of sporadic nature. Therefore its not practical to monitor all traffic on the (busy) bus (rs485) till the program stops working. Need to figure out some method to only print out data when the problem arises.
This is the original blocking code (auto-formatted )
I assume the goal is the non-blocking version. Correct?
In any case, this sequence is a problem...
if (Serial1.available() < 2) return false; // wait till at least 2 bytes are received
inByte1 = Serial1.read();
inByte2 = Serial1.read();
if (inByte1 != 0xAA || inByte2 != 0xAA ) return false;
Odd bytes of noise followed by AA AA result in a potentially valid packet being discarded.
The technique in the non-blocking version is much more robust (wait for AA, check for AA, discard extraneous AA).
While the blocking version is more robust in recovering from an invalid length (1 or 2 bytes) it does contain a bug. The code tries to validate a CRC that may not be present.