But whenever I power the first[1] nrf24l01 from a new AMS1117 3.3V 1A Voltage Regulator IC, Arduino Uno just freezes at radio.write() code point.
You need to make a drawing showing exactly how you have everything connected and how it differs from the working version.
I have had no problem powering both my Atmega 328 and nRF24 from a 3.3v regulator.
Have you the 3.3v GND connected to the Aduino GND?
No my 3.3v regulator has a seperate GND pin than the one in my Arduino Uno. I'll post back if joining the GND pins of Arduino UNO with 3.3v regulator solves the issue.
In the second[2] device, both Arduino Pro Mini and nRF24L01 shares the same GND.
GND is a reference point. If 2 devices have 2 different grounds, how can 1 tell if it receiving data or noise if it's not using the same reference point?
GND is a reference point. If 2 devices have 2 different grounds, how can 1 tell if it receiving data or noise if it's not using the same reference point?