(SOLVED) nRF52832 Strange behavior

I'm working on a project based on this:
[https://www.instructables.com/Simple-BLE-Temp-Sensor-for-Beginners-5-Years-on-Co/](Simple BLE temp sensor)

I also use the nRF52832 module to scan for my sensors.
It is then connected to a ESP-01 module to send the data to my server.
I also have a 2.9" e-ink display connected to show some values from the sensors.
Once I've sent the data, I then put the ESP-01 module to deep-sleep for 3 minutes.
Each sensor wakes up once a minute and report temperature and such.

The whole system works fine, for some time.
Then out of nowhere, my "base-station" is unable to build the string for the HTTP POST data body.
There is a sample of what a good POST body looks like:

Then after some time, i just get this:
Sometimes it happens after 30 min, sometimes after 8 hours.

At first I was using String, like the lazy man I am.
I've then tried just printing the data directly to the output as well as
using both SafeString and PString (currently).
I've had the same behavior no matter what arppoche i used to create the POST body.

For me, this sounds like an issue with the memory, like overflow or fragmentation maybe?

I have oversized buffers for the POST body buffer (I have 15000 bytes allocated, that should be ~94 datapoints, that most I've seen is around 20-25).
I've also tried to avoid creating variables and such inside voids to reduce memory fragmentation.
I also disabled the e-ink display to save some memory.
I was also getting the user-set name for each sensor from the server, so I can display on the e-ink
but that has also been disabled right now to save memory.
But nothing has helped.

This is the code that currently is generating the POST body data

  int count = 0;
  for (int j = sensorIndex -1; j >= 0; j--) {
    for (int i = 0; i < NUM_SENSORS; i++) {

      httpStr.print(F("]=")) ;

The complete code can be found on [https://github.com/endlessmind/WeatherStation](my Github by clicking this link)

Any ideas on what to try next would be much appreciated.

Issue has been solved. Closing the github repo again.

In case anyone has a similar issue:
The problem has with the ESP-01 and the CIPSEND AT-command.
It only allows for about 2048bytes of data to be sent. If you tell it that there is more than that
on it's way, it will respond with "too long" and refuse to accept anything you send.
The WifiEspAT library I use, does handle this somewhat, but not very well.

solved it but splitting up the package in to 2048bytes (or smaller) sizes and sending them one by one.

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