(Solved) Oled fails on example code

I have this 128 x 64 Oled on i2c which works fine on 12832 example code in the IDE but nothing shows when I load the 12864 example.

The program appears to load ok without any errors I can make out.

I tried to include the example code from the ide but the web site threw up an error about more than 9000 words.

Example code is for Adafruit_SSD1306

Arduino is a promini.

Oled ...... Yellow/Blue/White 0.96" 128X64 OLED I2C IIC Serial LED LCD SSD Display SSD1306 | eBay

Found it...... this line in setup was at x03D instead of x03C

if(!display.begin(SSD1306_SWITCHCAPVCC, 0x3c)) { // Address 0x3D for 128x64

Weird! Where do you suppose that came from? The default address is x03c and I would imagine the adafruit library comes preloaded with that.