[SOLVED]Problem between 2 sensors sharing the same DC motor

Hello there, I'm building this BT RC car with obsticle avoidance, everything works kind of fine but i have this annoying problem. When ping sensor sense a obsticle it should stop and reverse the car for 1,5sec, everything is fine with stoping the motor so i cannot push it foward anymore while in this zone Distance<minDistance, the problem starts when it wants to reverse, it looks like it get just a half of current as speed would be like 100 if we count from 0-255, but if I also press reverse on my android it gets to normal speed, so i decided that it shares the same level of state. So my question would be how can I give priority, let's say for Ping, while it goes backward or something like that :slight_smile: Other question would be, if ping sometimes sense false ranges for example : if range is 100cm sometimes it drops to 70cm what can be wrong about it? Could it be a lack of voltage ? Or It's software? Thank you for you answers :slight_smile: I leave my code here:

#include <Servo.h>

#include <NewPing.h>


const int motorA1  = 5;  // Pin  2
const int motorA2  = 6;  // Pin  7
const int motorB1  = 10; // Pin 10
const int motorB2  = 9;  // Pin 14
//Ultra garsas

const int trig = A1; //paduoda garsa
const int echo = A2; //priima garsa
const int maxDistance = 120; //cm
int minDistance = 50; //cm
int revDistance = 55; //cm

unsigned int pingSpeed = 50; // frequency of ping
unsigned long pingTimer;
unsigned int Distance;
int reverse = LOW;

NewPing sonar(trig, echo, maxDistance); // NewPing setup of pins and maximum distance.

const int lights  = 13;
const int lightsb  = 12;
const int lightsrev = A4;

const int BTState = 2;

Servo myservo; // create servo object to control a servo
const int servopin = A3;
int rotation = 1;

//Baterijos likutis
//const float maxBattery = 9.0;// Change value to your max battery voltage level!
//int perVolt;                 // Percentage variable
//float voltage = 0.0;         // Read battery voltage
//int level;
// Use it to make a delay... without delay() function!

unsigned long previousMillis = 0; // -1000*10=-10sec. to read the first value. If you use 0 then you will take the first value after 10sec. ///long previousMillis = -1000 * 10;
const long interval = 1500;    // interval at which to read battery voltage, change it if you want! (10*1000=10sec) ////long interval = 1000 * 10;
unsigned long currentMillis = 0;   //unsigned long currentMillis;unsigned int pingSpeed = 50; // frequency of ping

//Papildomos nuorodos i koda
int i = 0;
int j = 0;
int state;
int vSpeed = 200;   // Default speed, from 0 to 255
int RSpeed = 0;
int data;

void setup() {
  pinMode(motorA1, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(motorA2, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(motorB1, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(motorB2, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(lights, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(BTState, INPUT);
  pinMode(lightsb, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(lightsrev, OUTPUT);
  // Serial for US and BT
  pingTimer = millis(); // Start now.
  myservo.attach(servopin); // attaches the servo on pin to the servo object
  myservo.write(90); // align the servo ahead

void loop() {
  //Isjungti variklius jei dingsta rysys
  if (digitalRead(BTState) == LOW) {

    state = 'S';


  //BT duomenu saugojimas (siuntimas gavimas) jei daugiau nei 0 bitu
  if (Serial.available() > 0) {
    state = Serial.read();

  //4 greiciu reguliatorius Values must be from 0 to 255 (PWM)
  if (state == '0') {
    vSpeed = 0;
  else if (state == '1') {
    vSpeed = 100;

  else if (state == '2') {
    vSpeed = 180;

  else if (state == '3') {
    vSpeed = 200;

  else if (state == '4') {
    vSpeed = 255;


  //Raide F= Foward
  if (state == 'F') {
    analogWrite(motorA1, vSpeed); analogWrite(motorA2, 0);
    analogWrite(motorB1, 0);      analogWrite(motorB2, 0);
  /**********************Forward Left************************/
  //Raide G= Left Foward
  else if (state == 'G') {
    analogWrite(motorA1, vSpeed); analogWrite(motorA2, 0);
    analogWrite(motorB1, 255);    analogWrite(motorB2, 0);
  /**********************Forward Right************************/
  //Raide I= Right Foward
  else if (state == 'I') {
    analogWrite(motorA1, vSpeed); analogWrite(motorA2, 0);
    analogWrite(motorB1, 0);      analogWrite(motorB2, 255);

  //Raide B= Backward
  else if (state == 'B') {
    analogWrite(motorA1, 0);   analogWrite(motorA2, 255);
    analogWrite(motorB1, 0);   analogWrite(motorB2, 0);

  /**********************Backward Left************************/
  //Raide H= Backward Left
  else if (state == 'H') {
    analogWrite(motorA1, 0);   analogWrite(motorA2, 255);
    analogWrite(motorB1, 255); analogWrite(motorB2, 0);

  /**********************Backward Right************************/
  //Raide J= Backward Right
  else if (state == 'J') {
    analogWrite(motorA1, 0);   analogWrite(motorA2, 255    );
    analogWrite(motorB1, 0);   analogWrite(motorB2, 255);

  //Raide L= Left
  else if (state == 'L') {
    analogWrite(motorA1, 0);   analogWrite(motorA2, 0);
    analogWrite(motorB1, 255); analogWrite(motorB2, 0);
  //Raide R= right
  else if (state == 'R') {
    analogWrite(motorA1, 0);   analogWrite(motorA2, 0);
    analogWrite(motorB1, 0);   analogWrite(motorB2, 255);
  //Raide W= Lights
  else if (state == 'W') {
    if (i == 0) {
      digitalWrite(lights, HIGH);

      i = 1;
    else if (i == 1) {
      digitalWrite(lights, LOW);

      i = 0;
    state = 'w';
  //Raide U= Lights
  else if (state == 'U') {
    if (i == 0) {
      digitalWrite(lightsb, HIGH);

      i = 1;
    else if (i == 1) {
      digitalWrite(lightsb, LOW);

      i = 0;
    state = 'u';

  /***********************Ultra garsas*****************************/

  // Notice how there's no delays in this sketch to allow you to do other processing in-line while doing distance pings.
  if (millis() >= pingTimer) {   // pingSpeed milliseconds since last ping, do another ping.
    pingTimer += pingSpeed;      // Set the next ping time.
    sonar.ping_timer(echoCheck); // Send out the ping, calls "echoCheck" function every 24uS where you can check the ping status.
    Serial.print("Ping: ");
    Serial.print(Distance); // Ping returned, uS result in ping_result, convert to cm with US_ROUNDTRIP_CM.

  //Raide X Us valdymas

  if (Distance < minDistance)
    vSpeed = 0;
  else if (Distance > minDistance)
    vSpeed = 200;

  unsigned long currentMillis = millis();
  if (Distance <= minDistance)

    if (currentMillis - previousMillis >= interval) {
      previousMillis = currentMillis;
      if (reverse == LOW) {
        reverse = HIGH;
      else {
        reverse = LOW;


  analogWrite(motorA2, reverse);
  digitalWrite(lightsrev, reverse);

//sviesos sensorius

void echoCheck() { // Timer2 interrupt calls this function every 24uS where you can check the ping status.
  // Don't do anything here!
  if (sonar.check_timer()) { // This is how you check to see if the ping was received.
    // Here's where you can add code.
    Serial.print("Ping: ");
    Serial.print(sonar.ping_result / US_ROUNDTRIP_CM); // Ping returned, uS result in ping_result, convert to cm with US_ROUNDTRIP_CM.
    Distance = sonar.ping_result / US_ROUNDTRIP_CM;
  // Don't do anything here!
  if (digitalRead(BTState) == LOW) {

State is what you read from a pin number. It is NOT a pin number.

    // Here's where you can add code.

But NOT Serial.print() statements. Fast code. Very fast code. Serial.print() is NOT.

Why does the need to back up depend on time?

Your code is very confusing. The comments you have either state the obvious or explain what the code is doing (which is fairly obvious) but not WHY the code is doing that.

if (digitalRead(BTState) == LOW) {
BTState is a pin nr 2 it's responsible to stop a car if connection is lost , yea comments are kind of confusing
most of them are writen in lithuanian, and other which i cannot fully understand written in english because parts are copied obviously :slight_smile:
i will try to explain where exactly is a problem :slight_smile:

//this is the part which stops car so i couldnt go foward vSpeed is speed controler
if (Distance < minDistance)
vSpeed = 0;
else if (Distance > minDistance)
vSpeed = 200;

// this is the part car goes back from the obsticle for 1.5 sec
this is just last thing i tried to do so it would woprk okay
at first it was based on "cm"
so millis just a try it can be deleted

unsigned long currentMillis = millis();
if (Distance <= minDistance)

if (currentMillis - previousMillis >= interval) {
previousMillis = currentMillis;
if (reverse == LOW) {
reverse = HIGH;
else {
reverse = LOW;


so the problem is that when it starts function to go backward it gets 50% of power to the motor but if i also push backward button on the phone it gets 100% speed like it suppose to, and what im trying to figure out is how to give priority to Distance instead of my button push. If i disconect one of sensors it goes okay, so I must figure out a way to give priorities, you look like you know your stuff, i hope you can help :slight_smile:

P.S I don't look for an exact answer. What I'm looking for is some suggestions and toughts on it :slight_smile:
i was thinking maybe i should give split pin for it just to go backward, but then, I'm afraid I'll have a electric jam

BTState is a pin nr

So, you'd store the state of the pin in BTPin?

Yes it is state pin on sensor if I understand you right, how would you prefer to do it?

how would you prefer to do it?

const int BTPin = 2;

   int BTState = digitalRead(BTPin);