[SOLVED] Problems with 1.x (at least under Linux)

I am having problems with binaries generated by arduino 1.x
The blink test works OK but some programs that worked in arduino 0.x does not work. The more serious problem is that Serial.println does not work in my arduino mega 1280.

I am using the same compiler for both verions of Arduino (0.22 and 1.0.1) (cross-avr-binutils-2.20-1, avrdude-5.11.1-1, cross-avr-gcc-c++-4.6.2-1, avr-gdb-7.1-3, cross-avr-gcc-4.6.2-1).

I understand there may be some differences between 0.x and 1.x and some programs may not work, the ascii chart sample should work!! There must be a problem in my system but if 0.22 works ok, what can be going wrong?

EDIT: The program compiles and uploads OK but nothing is sent to serial port and tx/rx leds does not blink.

IDE v1.0.1 is working great for me in Ubuntu v11.10 and v12.04 with a Mega 2560. I noticed there have been a few format and data type changes when porting from v0022 to v1.0.1.

What is "not working" about Serial.println()? Not compiling? Not running? Not printing anything on the serial output?

If you post your sketch, maybe I could provide a more exact answer.

IDE v1.0.1 is working great for me in Ubuntu v11.10 and v12.04 with a Mega 2560. I noticed there have been a few format and data type changes when porting from v0022 to v1.0.1.

I understand there are some changes, but the samples should work!, and the serial port is basic.

What is "not working" about Serial.println()? Not compiling? Not running? Not printing anything on the serial output?

The problem compiles and uploads OK but I am not receiving anything thrugh the serial port (usb). The same program compiled with 0022 works ok.

My program started when I tried to get working this display: http://dx.com/p/jy-mcu-16x-digital-tube-yellow-led-module-104311?utm_rid=68099021&utm_source=affiliate with this library:GitHub - rjbatista/tm1638-library: Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/tm1638-library that claims it is compatible with Arduino 1.0 since many versions.

When uploaded the small sample program included with the library I found random leds displayed, then I tried to debug the app inserting some Serial.println, but I received nothing in the serial monitor. Then I inserted a Serial.println at setup function and when it didn't work (sent nothing, no tx/rx leds blinking, etc.). Then I tried uploading the ascii table example of Arduino IDE and it sent nothing through serial port.

My next step was installing Arduino 0022 and all the programa (ascii table and display library worked well).

I must say that some months ago, I had similar problems with Arduino 1.0 and Arduino ISP (it only worked with Arduino 0022).

This does not work for you on v1.0.1?

void setup() {
  Serial.println("setup complete");

void loop() {

This does not work for you on v1.0.1?

void setup() {

  Serial.println("setup complete");

void loop() {

I just installed 1.0.1, uploaded this and worked ok. Then uploaded ascii table and worked, and uploaded the program that uses the display and it works.

Really I don't know what happened. Sorry for boring with this.