[SOLVED] Project TQ motorized

I started out with a lot of enthusiasm to undertake this project but I'm coming up against a wall that seems insurmountable...
In addition to the programming part, I have another problem that I don't understand why, I have already burnt out 2 servomotors.
I have connected them to an external power supply with the GRD on the MEGA then the signal cable on digital 2 and 3, when I connect them they make a quarter turn and then they remain live and I can no longer move... why does it do this?

...which you forgot to post.

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Moved to project guidance.

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A link to the datasheet of the motors would help a lot.

oppss sorry

any servos he puts into it doesn't matter ... he does it with everyone, on the other hand I realized that the green light turns yellow while the green light stays on ... is this normal?
Servo Motore MG995 TowerPro

Describe your wiring, using colours of the Servo wires.

Servo problems are almost always power related. You're ahead of the game by having an external supply - what voltage is it and how much current can it provide?

That servo runs from 4.8 to 7.2 volt supply. What voltage are You using?

white red black or yellow red black... sorry but why this question? the wiring is all OK

I took the 5v line from a 550w ATX power supply that I also use for other TQ power supplies.


Ah, I can't help. The only Servos I can find have Brown, Red and Orange wires! My mistake. Sorry for asking.

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What is the mecannical load?
What is the intermittancy, the time the motor is running versus the time the motor is idling?

you are welcome...
In fact, the last servos I took were orange, red, brown. but I don't think it makes much difference orange is the signal, red positive brown gnd

The mechanical load will be 200g. the servos are 20kg.

"What is the intermittancy, the time the motor is running versus the time the motor is idling?

sorry but I don't think I understand your question correctly but I try ... are you referring to the engine of the plane and the engine of the servo?

if yes the servo does not move itself if you increase the engine of the plane ...

Sorry but I can't figure out what that would tell. Torque is one significant term.
The question in other words: I suspect the servos face too hard work. They also might be activated too often and build up heating.

No, I assure you that the levers can be moved with one finger, without any effort... I said 200g, but I think that if I add 50g the levers will move....

no let's say that they don't move at all if not every now and then since nothing is working... and in addition they are cold... also because I detach them immediately.... as I have already said I have already fused two servos

I've been using RC servos for over forty years, both in RC models and in embedded applications - I've never "fused" one.

That's when there is no load. In a flying plane the servos face load due to the air affecting the rudders.
Do the servos burn standing on the ground, not flying?

What are You trying to tell? If the servos are burned, faulty, not working, then I don't know anything else than replacing them and then check things up.

I have to believe that this arduino has happened ... it has problems because it is not possible that in 2 days I had all these difficulties in getting 3 servos to work, the cables are correctly connected yellow white or orange to the digital signal, black or brown to the GND, the positive red, the external power supply is from 5v in common, the GND is also on the common board…. what's wrong?
I also tried to connect the positive on the MEGA but nothing changes ... because when I connect the servo it remains blocked by not being able to move it by hand ??? the MEGA is new ... I was probably unlucky and broken ...