Hi all,
I'm got 7 ttp223 capacitive sensors wired to an arduino nano (which will be replaced with a 328p chip/crystal when code is finished). I'm using it in a musical book gift I am making.
It will be running on batteries (rechargeable lipo with 5v booster) - yes, I know using the ttp223's is not the wisest but I killed my membrane keypad that I hacked from a damaged musical book and can't find anything similar that isn't square so had to resort to these as I had them already.
I want to put it to sleep, and ideally wake when any of the 7 ttp223's rise.
But the 328p only has 2 interrupts yes?
Is there any way to do this? I was wondering if:
As well as wiring the 7 sensors to their own pins, could I connect them all to an interrupt pin - but presumably pressing one, will trigger them all, so I'd need some way to make sure the 'combined' signal only went to the interrupt pin, and the individual signal went to the right input pin. Possible?
as it's a musical book, my other thought is to put a movement sensor in so if the book is picked up, it wakes up. I have a simple ball tilt sensor - would that work? Presumably - as I couldn't guarantee if it was on or off when the book was left still and the arduino went to sleep - I would have to read it before putting to sleep, and set the interrupt to wake depending on whether it opened or closed when it went to sleep? I also have some IMU sensors lying around, but that seems really over kill
Another other options please?
Many thanks