Hey guys, I did Project 5 from the starter kit and I have a question. I just want to understand this better. I have the Arudino Uno w/ Starter Kit. I'm using the given schematics from the project book.
So the project just tries to have you control a servo with a potentiometer. What I noticed was the servo motor continues to run after it opens fully (potVal: 1023, angle: 179). It doesn't do this when its fully closed (potVal: 0, angle: 0). This makes me not want to leave the servo at the 179 degree position because I don't want the motor to stay running. Actually when I look at the Serial Monitor, this happens from angle 174 to 179 (eg - potVal: 1023, angle 174).
Why could this be? It doesn't make sense to me that the input from the pot could reach 1023 before the output to the servo reached 179 with
That piece of serial monitor is when the pot is at a fixed position? If so, the pot you use is not very good at the far end and jumps around a bit. Because I see ADC readings between 1012 and 1023. And because it jumps around a bit the servo position will as well.
And another thing to notice. A servo can jitter a bit if it's in a position. So it moves a little bit around the set point and it makes a buzzing noise. Cheap servo's do this more then the better ones.
Does it have you powering the servo from the arduino?
zoomkat - yes, arduino-powered
Bzzzzzt, wrong answer 8)
zk was hoping you would say "no": a servo should not be powered from the Arduino, although it is of course controlled from the Arduino. Conventional wisdom is to provide servo/s with external power, as shown below for 3 servos. Make sure to join the grounds as shown.