[SOLVED] R4 wifi and Windows 11 connection problems

hi guys.
I installed 'Arduino Create Agent' on Windows 11 in order to be able to use WebEditor; once installed and started up, a messagebox appears after a short while asking me to install some drivers; I click 'yes' but apparently nothing happens.


So I install IDE 2.1.1 and the 'R4 package' but the board is not detected.
In the windows 'device manager' the board is recognised as 'Tiny USB CDC'.
Drivers seem to be missing.

I have tried various usb cables and various ports
Any suggestions?

This could be due to a drivers clash please follow the instructions in the following link and let us know if you have any issue afterwards

Thank you for your reply
It does not work, it gives me this error

Cannot put the board in ESP mode. (via 'unor4wifi-reboot')

and to solve this, I shorted the pins as per the manual and gave the command

other information that may be useful to solve the problem:

if i try to update drivers from windows 'device manager', it finds the drivers but cannot install them, 'plug and play service not available on the remote computer'.


I launched the create agent debug console,downloads all drivers, then fails to run the 'post_install.bat' file

  "DownloadStatus": "Pending",
  "Msg": "post_install.bat"

  "DownloadStatus": "Error",
  "Msg": "exec: \"post_install.bat\": cannot run executable found relative to current directory"

then another error occurs

  "DownloadStatus": "Pending",
  "Msg": "Unpacking tool windows-drivers"

  "DownloadStatus": "Error",
  "Msg": "remove C:\\Users\\matti/.arduino-create/arduino/windows-drivers/1.8.0: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process."

So I downloaded the zip file with the browser

and started the setup file "dpinst-amd64.exe" but cannot install all drivers

I tried manually installing the driver 'AdafruitPlaygroundCircuit.inf' but once again obtaining the error: 'plug and play service not available on the remote computer'.

@mario-r Ho flashato il firmware pre release 0.2.0 da linux ma non cambia nulla

Can you share a clear picture of the USB C soldering on the board from both sides?

Have you tested with another computer? there might be a conflict in drivers that is affecting the detection of the port.
Also, and I know you mentioned before, but make sure you have a data usb c cable

yes I tried but I don't think this is the problem, as on an old PC with linux, the card is detected without any problems.

Scrivo in italiano :slight_smile:
Si,su un vecchio pc portatile con linux funziona bene la scheda

If the board works fine in linux, it means there is not hardware related issue. Have you tried the procedure recommended above in that linux computer?
Another test you can make is to rename the Arduino15 (something like Arduino15_old), re open the IDE (the Arduino15 will be regenerated) and re install the UNO R4 core and try again.
Here you can find instructions on where to find the Arduino15 folder https://support.arduino.cc/hc/en-us/articles/360018448279

Risolto reinstallando windows 11,probabilmente c'era un problema con il servizio plug and play che impediva a qualche dispositivo USB (pen drive e smartphone compresi) di essere riconosciuti.
Grazie per le risposte

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