[solved] Removing \r\n from Serial Input


Im using a software Serial Port to receive messages from a ublox GPS module. I want to read the whole Message, then print it on the Serial Port.

Here is my code:

void loop(void) {

  if (portOne.available())  {
    char c = portOne.read();  //gets one byte from serial buffer
    if (c == '\r') {  //looks for end of data packet marker
      portOne.read(); //gets rid of following \n
      //do something with rx string
      rxString = ""; //clear variable for new input
    else {
      rxString += c; //add the char to rxString

Somehow, it looks like I didnt remove the \r\n from the String. This is what I get on the Arduino Serial monitor






When I only use print (without ln) it should write everything into one line, but it is just:


Any ideas?

EDIT: Solved, I had to change \r to \n :slight_smile: