I have 3 servo's that will go up and down, this happens after each other with a delay:
- first the first servo will go down
- after a while the first servo will go up and the second servo will go down
- after a while the second servo will go up and the third servo will go down
- etc..
the delay is depending on a input that I get from a volume sensor (this values are being send every x seconds).
I do not want to use the delay function to do this because it will pause my sketch.
What is the best replacing option to use? (the interval/delay is variable, updated every x seconds during the sketch is running).
volume_2 = analogRead(A0);
delay_movement = map(volume_2, 400 ,960, 1300,100);
movement_value = 100 - 20;
You can use the method for waiting without delay() function described in BlinkWithoutDelay example of Arduino IDE (Examples\02. Digital\BlinkWithoutDelay)
Anika, I'm new to Arduino but have been programming for a long time.
I'm getting into this delay-less programming and also posted elsewhere about it.
I think you may be looking for something like this:
void loop()
long currentTime = millis(); // Get the current time only ONCE per loop
// A decision to start the sequence has been made. Calculate all movement times.
// A time value of 0 will mean it's already been done; do not keep doing it until re-enabled.
servo_1_movement_time = currentTime();
servo_1_height_time = servo_1_movement_time + delay_movement;
servo_2_movement_time = servo_1_height_time;
servo_2_height_time = servo_2_movement_time + delay_movement;
servo_3_movement_time = servo_2_height_time;
servo_3_height_time = servo_3_movement_time + delay_movement;
// Check all 6 event times and act if it's time has come. Disable for next pass of loop.
if (servo_1_movement_time > 0 && currentTime > servo_1_movement_time)
servo_1_movement_time = 0;
if (servo_1_height_time > 0 && currentTime > servo_1_height_time)
servo_1_height_time = 0;
if (servo_2_movement_time > 0 && currentTime > servo_2_movement_time)
servo_2_movement_time = 0;
if (servo_2_height_time > 0 && currentTime > servo_2_height_time)
servo_2_height_time = 0;
if (servo_3_movement_time > 0 && currentTime > servo_3_movement_time)
servo_3_movement_time = 0;
if (servo_3_height_time > 0 && currentTime > servo_3_height_time)
servo_3_height_time = 0;
// All your other code for loop goes below with no delays!
} // end of loop
Thank you Techylah, that worked 
Makes my day! You're quite welcome. Good luck!