SOLVED Sample temperature at regular intervals while a loop is running?

Dear all

Tonight I was playing with the PID-library and it works nicely.

I heat a pot of water with an immersion heater controlled by the arduino through a solid state relay.
I get the temperature input from an LM35.

For the moment I print a temperature reading to the serial monitor each time the loop runs, and that is an awful lot of readings!

How do I call my Serial.println(tempC);
every ten seconds or once a minute while the main loop is running and taking care of the temperature regulation?

EDIT: I have a hunch that it must be something about using the millis() function.
..... maybe I should just go to bed and re-read "blink without delay" tomorrow?

The entire loop is here, just like the example in the library:
(Pin 13 is lit to indicate when the SSR is on)

void loop()
 reading = analogRead(tempPin);
tempC = reading / 9.31;
  Input = tempC;

   * turn the output pin on/off based on pid output
  if(millis() - windowStartTime>WindowSize)
  { //time to shift the Relay Window
    windowStartTime += WindowSize;
  if(Output < millis() - windowStartTime) 

The entire loop is here,

But not the entire sketch.

Woops! Sorry!

#include <PID_v1.h>
#define RelayPin 6

//Define Variables we'll be connecting to
double Setpoint, Input, Output;

//Specify the links and initial tuning parameters
PID myPID(&Input, &Output, &Setpoint,2,5,1, DIRECT);

// For the temperature:
float tempC;
float reading;
int tempPin = 0;
const float korr = 0.01; // Just in case there was an offset

int WindowSize = 1000;  // 5000 in example
unsigned long windowStartTime;

void setup()
   pinMode(RelayPin, OUTPUT); 
      pinMode(13, OUTPUT); 
analogReference(INTERNAL); // for the temperature
Serial.begin(9600);  // serial comm
  windowStartTime = millis();
  //initialize the variables we're linked to
  Setpoint = 50;

  //tell the PID to range between 0 and the full window size
  myPID.SetOutputLimits(0, WindowSize);

  //turn the PID on

// and now the loop

void loop()
  reading = analogRead(tempPin);
tempC = reading / 9.31;

  Input = tempC;

   * turn the output pin on/off based on pid output
  if(millis() - windowStartTime>WindowSize)
  { //time to shift the Relay Window
    windowStartTime += WindowSize;
  if(Output < millis() - windowStartTime) 

Solved it!

Thanks for the good vibrations that made me think and read!

A few lines and the principle from "Blink without delay" did the trick.

(messy code, but it works.... will clean it up later)

#include <PID_v1.h>
#define RelayPin 6

//Define Variables we'll be connecting to
double Setpoint, Input, Output;

//Specify the links and initial tuning parameters
PID myPID(&Input, &Output, &Setpoint,2,5,1, DIRECT);

// For the temperature:
float tempC;
float reading;
int tempPin = 0;
const float korr = 0.01; // korr trækkes fra sensors værdi

long previousMillis = 0;        // will store last time of write
long interval = 1000;           // interval at which to write

int WindowSize = 1000;  // var 5000
unsigned long windowStartTime;

void setup()
   pinMode(RelayPin, OUTPUT); 
      pinMode(13, OUTPUT); 
analogReference(INTERNAL); // til temperaturmåling
Serial.begin(9600);  // se hvad temperaturen er målt til
  windowStartTime = millis();
  //initialize the variables we're linked to
  Setpoint = 50;

  //tell the PID to range between 0 and the full window size
  myPID.SetOutputLimits(0, WindowSize);

  //turn the PID on

// and now the loop

void loop()
  reading = analogRead(tempPin);
tempC = reading / 9.31;
//  Serial.println(tempC); 

 unsigned long currentMillis = millis();
  if(currentMillis - previousMillis > interval) 
     previousMillis = currentMillis; 

  Input = tempC;

   * turn the output pin on/off based on pid output
  if(millis() - windowStartTime>WindowSize)
  { //time to shift the Relay Window
    windowStartTime += WindowSize;
  if(Output < millis() - windowStartTime) 