The example of append is the following code.
- Append Example
- This sketch shows how to use open for append.
- The sketch will append 100 line each time it opens the file.
- The sketch will open and close the file 100 times.
#include <SdFat.h>
// SD chip select pin
const uint8_t chipSelect = SS;
// file system object
SdFat sd;
// create Serial stream
ArduinoOutStream cout(Serial);
// store error strings in flash to save RAM
#define error(s) sd.errorHalt_P(PSTR(s))
void setup() {
// filename for this example
char name[] = "APPEND.TXT";
// pstr() stores strings in flash to save RAM
cout << endl << pstr("Type any character to start\n");
while ( < 0) {}
// initialize the SD card at SPI_HALF_SPEED to avoid bus errors with
// breadboards. use SPI_FULL_SPEED for better performance.
if (!sd.begin(chipSelect, SPI_HALF_SPEED)) sd.initErrorHalt();
cout << pstr("Appending to: ") << name;
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
// open stream for append
ofstream sdout(name, ios::out | ios::app);
if (!sdout) error("open failed");
// append 100 lines to the file
for (uint8_t j = 0; j < 100; j++) {
// use int() so byte will print as decimal number
sdout << "line " << int(j) << " of pass " << int(i);
sdout << " millis = " << millis() << endl;
// close the stream
if (!sdout) error("append data failed");
// output progress indicator
if (i % 25 == 0) cout << endl;
cout << '.';
cout << endl << "Done" << endl;
void loop() {}
The code I have which fails to open the code is as follows
// Date and time functions using a DS1307 RTC connected via I2C and Wire lib
#include <Wire.h> // communication protocol
#include "RTClib.h" //Real Time Clock Library
#include <SdFat.h> //SD library
#define error(s) sd.errorHalt_P(PSTR(s)) // error strings for SD
const uint8_t chipSelect = SS; // SD chip select pin
SdFat sd; // File system object
ArduinoOutStream cout(Serial);
void setup () {
RTC.adjust(DateTime(DATE, TIME));//sets time and date at compile
void loop () {
//gets time for the now.function
DateTime now =;
// Serial.print(now.year(), DEC);
if (!sd.begin(chipSelect, SPI_HALF_SPEED)) sd.initErrorHalt(); // slows SD speed down
char name[] = "GardenLog.TXT";
ofstream sdout(name, ios::out | ios::app);
if (!sdout) error("open failed"); Code fails here and ofstream doesn't open
// use sdout<<string<<int(name)
// use sdout<< endl to end the line for a CR LF
sdout << " Humidityint" << " tempint" << " plantH";
// sdout << now.year() << " Humidityint" << " tempint" << " plantH";
// sdout << "line " << int(j) << " of pass " << int(i);
sdout << endl;
//sdout.close closes and saves the file in the SD card
cout << pstr("tested timestap w string in folder ") << name;
// Serial.print('/');
// Serial.print(now.month(), DEC);
// Serial.print('/');
// Serial.print(, DEC);
// Serial.print(' ');
// Serial.print(now.hour(), DEC);
// Serial.print(':');
// Serial.print(now.minute(), DEC);
// Serial.print(':');
// Serial.print(now.second(), DEC);
// Serial.println();
// Serial.println();
//delay(3000); // delay is 3 seconds
delay(60000); //delay is once a min
I've been trying to troubleshoot it for a few hours now and I don't see it so I thought I'd post and see if there is a reply after my class. Thanks.