[Solved!]Ticker class from <mbed.h>

I want to use the Ticker class - and the compiler shows a very simple error message - why?
The sketch is a copy from an example. It looks like the compiler ignored the #include!?
The file "mbed.h" holds a couple of includes, also a line with #include <drivers/Ticker.h>
The error message:
TickerTest:4:1: error: 'Ticker' does not name a type; did you mean 'Socket'?
Ticker timer;
followed by a couple of error message, because timer is undefined.
The small Sketch:

#include <mbed.h>

Ticker timer;
#define led1 2
#define led2 3

volatile bool flip = false;
volatile bool update = false;

void setup() {
  timer.attach(&attime, 5);

void attime() {
    flip = !flip;
    update = true;

void loop() {
  if (update)
    update = false;
    if(flip == 0) 

From the readme of the Arduino nRF528x Boards (Mbed OS) core:

from any sketch you can call mbed APIs by prepending mbed:: namespace.

Sorry - I dont't see that can help me. It looks like an install process under Linux.
I'm working with a Windows 10 PC, so the install of the package is done with the IDE's board manager.

  • all files are present
  • more simple sketches can be uploaded and run on the Nano 33 BLE
    The hint at the end of README.md shows the use of a prefix mbed::
    So I changed the statement to mbed::Ticker.attach(&attime, 5);
    The same result - an error
    TickerTest:12:15: error: expected unqualified-id before '.' token
    mbed::Ticker.attach(&attime, 5);

I remember old wisdom: first try everything before you call for help!
The declaration "mbed::Ticker myTicker;" works.
To pert: Many thanks for your hint.