[SOLVED] Trouble reading through and printing each element of an array

One small part of a project I'm working on involves comparing elements of two arrays. Right now all I'm trying to do is get the program to read through each value in the array and print it out, but I'm having trouble and not sure why. It prints the values that I specify and anything after the for loop, but nothing inside it.

void setup(void)
    while (!Serial);
    Serial.println("Serial Working");
void loop()
  int i = 0; //counter for reading through data array
  char test[] = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7};
  byte unique[] = {0x9B,0x07,0x10,0xA1,0x2D,0x08,0x04};
  Serial.println("Wait for it....");
  for (i<15; i++;)

Your 'for'-loop is wrong.

for ( set variable to start ; some condition ; executed each loop )

Why not use a normal 'for'-loop ?
Your "test[]" has 8 elements, but your "unique[]" has only 7 elements. So you can't print more than 7.

// example code, not tested
for (int i=0; i<7; i++)    // print element [0]...[6]
  Serial.print(", ");

Thank you! I'm coming from Python so my C++ skills are serverly lacking and it's a long and painful process.