[solved, under 10 mins ;) ]How to put new contents into a string

With numbers I can do this, and it prints 5 followed by 10:

void setup() {
  // put your setup code here, to run once:
  int x = 5;
  x = 10;

void loop() {}

I hoped the same would be true with a string, so I tried this:

void setup() {
  // put your setup code here, to run once:
  char stringx[]="foo";

void loop() {}

It fails to compile, highlighting this line:


with the message:

expected primary-expression before ']' token

Evidently it's not as simple as replacing an int with a new value.

I can do this of course, but I'm really hoping there's a simpler way (not including using a for to do what I did here character by character):

void setup() {
  // put your setup code here, to run once:
  char stringx[]="foo";

void loop() {}

To recap: is there a way to replace a string in a way analogous to the way I can overwrite a number?

You have to use the strcpy (or strncpy) function to do it. For example :

  char stringx[]="foo";
 //  stringx[]="bar";

Use strcpy or strncpy; you need to make sure that the destination is large enough to hold the largest text (including nul character).

man strcpy

You have to use the strcpy (or strncpy) function to do it.

Ok well that was easy, thanks. I knew there'd be a way.

Take a pound out the till, that man.

see also strcat()