I really don't know were to start...
I have a Peet Bros Ultimeter 2100 weather station and for > 20 years now, I enjoy reading its data on what they call a "Weather Picture" in my living room:
But now I discovered the Arduino, it is possible to make additional displays and make much more data visible!
The weather station has a serial port from which it continuously send out very detailed weather data, WONDERFUL!!
I don't ask for a complete solution but can anyone please point me to the right direction?
My goal it so select maybe 10-12 separate 4 byte fields from the complete string of data, convert it to decimal and display it on a large number of 7 segment displays.
So what is the best approach to read and select specific portions of this data coming in??
The weather data fields length and position is fixed so that's good.
But one 'burst' of data if too large to fit in one array??
I did some experiments but I got stuck, also by reading a lot about serial data.
I am lost...
This is one complete line of data coming in:
- header (&CR&)
- 452 HEX digits
- CR and LF
(the dashes mean no data available I think)
for example (above data string):
The first 4 bytes = 1. Wind Speed (0.1kph) = 0070h = 112 DEC = 11,2 km/h
The 2nd 4 bytes = 2. Current Wind Direction (0-255) = 00CCh = 204 degrees
Header = &CR&, Data Fields (note: field nos. 111-114 are 2-digits; all others are 4-digits)
- Wind Speed (0.1kph)
- Current Wind Direction (0-255)
- 5 minute Wind Speed Peak (0.1 kph)
- 5 minute Wind Direction Peak (0-255)
- Wind Chill (0.1 deg F)
- Outdoor Temp (0.1deg F) (’97 and later)
- Rain Total for today (0.01 in.)
- Barometer (0.1 mbar)
- Barometer 3-Hour Pressure Change (0.1 mbar)
- Barometer Correction Factor(LSW)
- Barometer Correction Factor(MSW)
- Indoor Temp (0.1 deg F)
- Outdoor Humidity (.1%)
- Indoor Humidity (.1%)
- Dew Point (0.1 deg F)
- Date (day of year)
- Time (minute of day)
- Today's Low Chill Value
- Today's Low Chill Time
- Yesterday's Low Chill Value
- Yesterday's Low Chill Time
- Long Term Low Chill Date
- Long Term Low Chill Value
- Long Term Low Chill Time
- Today's Low Outdoor Temp Value
- Today's Low Outdoor Temp Time
- Yesterday's Low Outdoor Temp Value
- Yesterday's Low Outdoor Temp Time
- Long Term Low Outdoor Temp Date
- Long Term Low Outdoor Temp Value
- Long Term Low Outdoor Temp Time
- Today's Low Barometer Value
- Today's Low Barometer Time
- Wind Speed (0.1kph)
- Current Wind Direction (0-255)
- Yesterday's Low Barometer Value
- Yesterday's Low Barometer Time
- Long Term Low Barometer Date
- Long Term Low Barometer Value
- Long Term Low Barometer Time
- Today's Low Indoor Temp Value
- Today's Low Indoor Temp Time
- Yesterday's Low Indoor Temp Value
- Yesterday's Low Indoor Temp Time
- Long Term Low Indoor Temp Date
- Long Term Low Indoor Temp Value
- Long Term Low Indoor Temp Time
- Today's Low Outdoor Humidity Value
- Today's Low Outdoor Humidity Time
- Yesterday's Low Outdoor Humidity Value
- Yesterday's Low Outdoor Humidity Time
- Long Term Low Outdoor Humidity Date
- Long Term Low Outdoor Humidity Value
- Long Term Low Outdoor Humidity Time
- Today's Low Indoor Humidity Value
- Today's Low Indoor Humidity Time
- Yesterday's Low Indoor Humidity Value
- Yesterday's Low Indoor Humidity Time
- Long Term Low Indoor Humidity Date
- Long Term Low Indoor Humidity Value
- Long Term Low Indoor Humidity Time
- Today's Wind Speed Value
- Today's Wind Speed Time
- Yesterday's Wind Speed Value
- Yesterday's Wind Speed Time
- Long Term Wind Speed Date
- Long Term Wind Speed Value
- Long Term Wind Speed Time
- Today's High Outdoor Temp Value
- Today's High Outdoor Temp Time
- Wind Speed (0.1kph)
- Current Wind Direction (0-255)
- Yesterday's High Outdoor Temp Value
- Yesterday's High Outdoor Temp Time
- Long Term High Outdoor Temp Date
- Long Term High Outdoor Temp Value
- Long Term High Outdoor Temp Time
- Today's High Barometer Value
- Today's High Barometer Time
- Yesterday's High Barometer Value
- Yesterday's High Barometer Time
- Long Term High Barometer Date
- Long Term High Barometer Value
- Long Term High Barometer Time
- Today's High Indoor Temp Value
- Today's High Indoor Temp Time
- Yesterday's High Indoor Temp Value
- Yesterday's High Indoor Temp Time
- Long Term High Indoor Temp Date
- Long Term High Indoor Temp Value
- Long Term High Indoor Temp Time
- Today's High Outdoor Humidity Value
- Today's High Outdoor Humidity Time
- Yesterday's High Outdoor Humidity Value
- Yesterday's High Outdoor Humidity Time
- Long Term High Outdoor Humidity Date
- Long Term High Outdoor Humidity Value
- Long Term High Outdoor Humidity Time
- Today's High Indoor Humidity Value
- Today's High Indoor Humidity Time
- Yesterday's High Indoor Humidity Value
- Yesterday's High Indoor Humidity Time
- Long Term High Indoor Humidity Date
- Long Term High Indoor Humidity Value
- Long Term High Indoor Humidity Time
- Yesterday's Rain Total (0.01")
- Long Term Rain Date
- Long Term Rain Total (0.01")
- Leap Year Value (0-3)
- WDCF Value (0-255)
- Today's High Wind Direction (2 digits)
- Yesterday's High Wind Direction (2 digits)
- Spare (2 digits)
- Long Term High Wind Direction (2 digits)
- 1 Minute Wind Speed Average (0.1kph)
Carriage Return & Line Feed
?Total size: 452 characters (hex digits) plus header, carriage return and line feed.