I want to use the RN_XV module to control some relays and send data taken from a sensor.
This is my Hardware:
- Arduino MEGA 2560 http://arduino.cc/en/Main/ArduinoBoardMega2560
- Realy Shield V1.2 DFRoboot Relay_Shield_for_Arduino__SKU_DFR0144_-DFRobot
- RN-XV Roving Networks RN-XV WiFly Module - SMA Connector - DFRobot
When I have everything connected and I try to upload a sketch I receive the following error:
avrdude: stk500v2_ReceiveMessage(): timeout
if I disconnected only the RN-XV I can upload any sketch.
Someone help me??
I have also tried to connect the RN-XV directly to arduino (3.3V, GND, RX, TX pin) using the WiFlyHQ libraries https://github.com/harlequin-tech/WiFlyHQ/downloads and I receive the same error.
The last attempt was to connect the RN-XV with Arduino not from Serial Hardware but from digital pins using SoftwareSerial.h.
The result was that from the serial hardware, used as a debugger, I received the following message.
setPrompt failed
Thanks All XD