[SOLVED] Wireless Proto Shield compatibility with the Due

Hi there!

I'm thinking about setting up a connection between two Dues with XBee, and so I'm considering to buy two Wireless Proto Shields to make the physical connection between the XBee and the Due.
I looked at the shield schematic and I think that it will be compatible with the Due: could someone please confirm this? I mean, will the wireless proto shield work out of the box?


Bring up my post :slight_smile:

Hi. I'm in the same situation. Did you manage to communicate both Arduino Due with the wireless proto shield and the xbee's? I'd like to use de Arduino Due instead of the Mega because of its process speed and flash memory.


Hi CharlesD41!

Yes, I've managed to communicate between two Due with Wireless Proto Shield + Xbee on each.
In fact, I've found no problem at all, it is totally the same as using the Xbee modules and Proto Shield with the Uno.

Sorry for the late answer… :]