SOLVED: Yet another RC522 RFID Reader issue

Hi there

I bought one of these: which comes with a blue key fob and a white card. I'm able to read the key fob with the DumpInfo example, but not the white card.

I'm using an Arduino Micro (official) 3.3V. Lines are connected to the appropriate MOSI/MISO, RST, SCK, GND, VCC pins on the Arduino, and SS is connected on pin 10.

I use this library: GitHub - miguelbalboa/rfid: Arduino RFID Library for MFRC522

Anyone experience this kind of issue?

If I read the white card using TagInfo on my Android, it returns ATQA=0x0400, SAK=0x08 which is a Mifare classic (1K?) type protocol. The key fob also returns 0x0400 and 0x08 in TagInfo

I'm not able to read Mifare 4K cards either (ATQA=0x0200, SAK=0x18).

Any ideas?

Thanks for reading

The site that you linked to is "only available from Denmark".

Ah, didn't know that - sorry.

It's a pretty standard item, here it is on the ebay of random items:

As far I can read in the description too, it supports S50 (1k) and S70 (4k?) cards - why else would they provide a blank card with the bundle, that even matches the atqa/sak of the key fob, that I can read with my phone.. makes little sense to me.

I use this library: GitHub - miguelbalboa/rfid: Arduino RFID Library for MFRC522

Thanks a lot for helping

Sorry for bumping! D:

Update: Sigh.. it appears that feeding 5v to the reader, even tho the specification says 3.3v, works with the other s50 card. Annoying!

Thanks for reading :slight_smile: