Some electronic help


I'm going to make a UV exposure box to etch PCB boards. I will put a relay and control the UV bulb ON time by a Arduino Uno. The confusion is with the UV bulbs I bought from Aliexpress.

UV lam from Aliexpress

In the description It says that the operating voltage is "Voltage:AC 110V to 230V, DV12V & DC24V"

What voltage should I supply for this bulb, 110VAC to 230VAC or 12VDC to 24VDC ???

does this indicate that the bulb operates for both AC and DC voltage ???

Asked the supplier and he replied with the same voltage range. I'm confused :confused:
Please help.

That link takes me to AliExpress login page. I don't think people will want to setup an account just to see the specs of your lamp.

I extracted the product ID from the URL to find the public listing page:

I extracted the product ID from the URL to find the public listing page

Nice work!

So it looks like they're replacement lamps for a unit (manicurist's curing lamp) that can run at a wide range of AC and DC voltages. I don't think that tells you how to run the actual lamps.

They're the U-shaped CFL type that (I think) doesn't have built-in driver circuitry (inverter/ballast/starter etc), so you'd have to provide that yourself.

It's not as simple as just supplying the correct voltage.

Nice work!

So it looks like they're replacement lamps for a unit (manicurist's curing lamp) that can run at a wide range of AC and DC voltages. I don't think that tells you how to run the actual lamps.

They're the U-shaped CFL type that (I think) doesn't have built-in driver circuitry (inverter/ballast/starter etc), so you'd have to provide that yourself.

It's not as simple as just supplying the correct voltage.

That would make them normal mercury vapor lamps that need to start just like a fluorescent lamp. Then once started, they need current limiting to control the arc. The white color of the glass is to allow only the needed UV frequency to escape.

There is a plant near mine that manufactures/sells stuff for manicurists. The lamps are to cure the epoxy used on finger nails. Dentists do the same to cure epoxy in your tooth repair.

Probably will not work with PC board mfg. They actually work when exposed to direct sunlight. The OP needs to match the UV frequency of the light to the PC board masking frequency requirement. Can't just go pick up any UV light.

I wonder why the OP didn't use UV LEDs?


Probably will not work with PC board mfg.

I've seen it done with those nail-curing units - putting a small board completely inside. Results were pretty good.

I've done it myself with the clear UV-C tubes from aquarium sanitisers. They were completely the wrong type, but it still worked.

(I've got a proper purpose-built UV box now btw)

OP might do better just modifying one of the nail-curing units. Beware the inevitable high voltages.

bigclivedotcom successfully uses a nail polish curing unit which uses this type of lamp for developing boards: