some pins aren't working propely

hi all,
i have measured pins analog outputs with voltmeter, and found that majority of them works in quite strange way. i have set analogWrite(ledPin, 127)
and expected to see ~2.47V, but i found that a lot of pins are showing 0V.
does it mean that i damaged iternal resistor, or other component in arduino?

what are you thinking? :-/

to explain more clearly, i want to mention that in fading example, one one pin just blinking - when output sets on 100, LED turn on, and LED tunr off, whet it above 100.

it's confusing me :frowning:

Only certain digital pins can perform analogwrite, they are the pins that have PWM capabilities.

Also not being a true analog output voltage but rather a pulse train with variable duty cycle a DC volt meter won't respond accurately at all. A scope is the best instrument to see the waveform.



whuh! thank you for respond

sorry, i should RTFM first:}}}
that's what i found in diecimila description:

PWM: 3, 5, 6, 9, 10, and 11. Provide 8-bit PWM output with the analogWrite() function.