I'm fighting (in vain) with a YUN Card.
First after some trouble I was able to connect the IDE via WIFI and upload a compiled sketch, bat every sketch tell via serial monitor:
Impossibile connettersi: riprovo... (4)...
Impossibile connettersi: forse lo sketch sta usando il bridge?
(Unable to connect: perhaps the sketch is using the bridge? )
The second problem is probably due to my lack of knowledge of networks; I can access via putty.exe but i am not able to update the packages though I have, in configuration, an existing WIFI network working with Arduino Uno + WIFI Shield.
I am uploading sketches via network (wired/wifi); also the empty sketch tell Unable to connect: perhaps the sketch is using the bridge? (in italiano).
For the USB, I see only COM3 and COM4, which the IDE tell they are yet in use, besides If by lucky I see the COM18, this occurs after launching the IDE 1.0.5; the program crash.
As the report mentioned above, I think it's a response that comes from Linino which is unable to communicate whit Arduino.
so you're able to upload sketches via network, this means your PC can talk with Arduino.
This means also that Linino can talk to the ATMega32u4 (it can upload sketches using avrdude)... can you try to upload the example provided on the wiki?
YUN is seen correctly via WIFI from my PC Window 7
For all sketch (also the empty sketch) after upload the monitor tell: Unable to connect: perhaps the sketch is using the bridge? (in italiano).
I can access via putty.exe
I can upload via pscp.exe
I cannot upload packages
The last point I think because I'm not able to co-exist Wireless access to Internet (which works for UNO+ WIFI Shield),
with the Arduino WIFI that is, when I active one, the other disappears and vice versa.
I was able to run some examples and update Linino (however I have not yet quite clear how this happened) .
I would like to confirm that what I have developed with UNO and WIFI shield run in YUN, however, I've seen that including console.h Arduino go out of memory.