Some problems with upload to mega2560r3

Hi There!

I have some problem to upload a code to mega2560r3 board under Linux. The same code works great in W10pro with the same board. The fail message in Linux is multiple 'timeouts' and upload fails. The user is in dileout group already. It's OpenSuse latest stable release with all updates. I use 64bit Appimage from
How can I troubleshoot the issue?
Thanks in advance,

I have a MS Code in suse, it fails with the same message.

So, there's a resolution.

It's a search in this forum, that helped me. I need to uninstall 2 programs, brltty and ModemManager. Restart Mega und that's it. Now it's ttyacm0 or ttyusb0 as port in Arduino Ide, that you have to tick.

Thanks to all of you,

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