Some questions on the Arduino Motor Shield R3

I'm planning on using an Arduino Motor Shield R3 in conjunction with a Leonardo and have some questions.

Can the AccelStepper library be used with the Arduino Motor Shield R3?

According to the Motor Shield info page, the pins used for the stepper motor will be A0, A1, D3, D8, D9, D11, D12, D13. But on the shield pin useage page, it gives the impression that all digital pins are used by the motor which is correct...which pins remain free for other uses?

I will not be using any tinkerkit parts, so will the pins assigned to the tinkerkit connections remain free for other uses?

If you're using a motor shield the motor & arduino connect to that. You're question doesn't make sense. Post alink to a tutorial for the motor shield.

If you're using a motor shield the motor & arduino connect to that.
Have a look at thesetutorials: