Some robots


Here is an Arduino robot that I've made:

here another Arduino robot:

and this one is not an Arduino but a Wiring robot:

Hope you enjoy, sorry for my bad english.

;D The Dancing Robot is going to keep a smile on my face all day long!

Love that dancing robot. Very nice.

The dancing robot is so funny. The concept reminds me of Keepon.

this robot is great!! ;D

nice work!

Thank you for your comments.

Yeah, Keepon is very nice. It has a beat detector? I'm working in something similar for my hexapod:

I plan to publish all documentation and code in my blog:

Heyyy, very nice! I likes!:smiley:

If you're as much as a robot fanatic as myself, we would LOVE to have you over at

It looks like you've got things figured out, but there's a lot of good ideas floating around.

Either way, looking good! You better keep us updated on these. :smiley:

I'm curious how you interfaced the servos to the Lego. Are those NXT servos? Or did you come up with another way to make mechanical connections?


I've used standard servos, lego-like pieces, screws, and these other things that I don't know how to say it in english. I send you the images to illustrate.

You can see more pictures in my flickr account: Pablo Gindel | Flickr

Wow, what is the USB key used for ?

The USB is used with a car mp3 player to send audio messages. The car mp3 player uses a OTI-6888 chip.