I just got a usbtinyisp because I would like to program standalone microcontrollers. Before I want to try to program microcontrollers, I decided to try to upload a program to my Arduino. So I connected my Arduino to the ISP, then I tried to upload a program. It didn't work, so I decide to first burn the bootloader. It took a long time, and I got a little impatient, and I disconnected it before it was done. Afterwards, uploading a sketch dirrectly to the Arduino beecame so slow...Even the blink sketch...Perhaps impossible. And when I try to burn the bootloader, it says
avrdude.exe: Error: Could not find USBtiny device (0x1781/0xc9f)
It says the same when I try to upload with the programmer. Is there a solution to this? Or have I destroyed my Arduino? Please someone help me.
Thank you.
PS I have a Mega 2560.
Just had the same experience: while trying to put a new bootloader on my Mega2560 using a USBTinyIsp Xinda v3.05 it seems to clean the flash memory but the new bootloader was not installed succesfully. So the result was a dead Mega2560.
Using the following approche my Mega2560 is now working with the new bootloader
Instead of using a dedicated programmer i now used a Arduino UNO v3 as programmer:
The latest Arduino v 1.0.5 has an example scetch called ArduinoISP.
Compared to other tips from the internet this works easy!
See http://arduino.cc/en/Tutorial/ArduinoISP for the details
After downloading the new Mega 2560 bootloader file called "stk500boot_v2_mega2560.hex"
i copied it to C:\arduino-1.0.5\hardware\arduino\bootloaders\stk500v2.
At the last step "Buring a bootloader" i did receive a verification error which sounded serious.
But despite this error message my Mega 2560 is working fine now.
My conclusion:
Using the current Arduino IDE will save you a lot of trouble.
Programming a Mega 2560 is only supported by a few ISP's
Buying a cheap ISP in China did cost me a long night debugging and searching on the internet.
Good luck with your Mega 2560, Luc
PS The new Mega booloader now supports the watchdog feature That was the reason for this soap.