I'm trying to upload a new firmware for a Sonoff switch with Tasmoto's firmware.
I installed the ESP8266 under boards manager.
Copied the library files inside the Sonoff-Tasmota-6.4.1.zip file (under /lib) into my arduino library directory : C:\arduino-1.8.8\libraries
When I try to compile the Sonoff sketch, it gives me following error :
sonoff:29:143: error: core_version.h: No such file or directory
So I'm probably copied the library files in the wrong directory, right?
Probably because your folder has the - caracter in its name. Change that in _ and it might work. Even easier is to have the arduino ide install them for you it will get rid of the wrong characters.
You can install the .zip file from within the arduino IDE
sonoff:29:143: error: core_version.h: No such file or directory
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Probably because your folder has the - caracter in its name. Change that in _ and it might work. Even easier is to have the arduino ide install them for you it will get rid of the wrong characters.
has been allowed by the Arduino IDE in folder names for years now. If it didn't, it would be a disaster because GitHub appends -{branchname} to the folder name every time you download something from that website and GitHub is by far the most popular place to host Arduino projects.
Hmm, i have no folder under my libraries folder using the - character. Every - gets converted to _ by the arduino ide when installing from a .zip file.
The Arduino Library Manager names the library installation folder according to the name value in the library's library.properties file. Spaces are allowed in the library.properties name, but not in the folder name. Library Manager replaces spaces with underscores in the folder name.