I found an old Compaq IPAQ pocket PC today in my house and took it apart to reveal a Sony ACX704AKM screen...I remember this screen was bright and color from way back when i used to use this thing...

The million dollar guessed it

Can i use an arduino with this screen? do i need the driver chip off of the PCB inside the IPAQ?

well theres a couple things in your favor

  1. you found a datasheet, and for a sony product!
    2)" Active matrix TFT-LCD panel with built-in peripheral driving circuitry"

is it possible? well yea, is it probable? maybe depending on your commitment but dont expect anywhere close to qvga draw resolutions with an arduino, adding in color restricts you much more

I dont need this to be a hi-def thing lol.

I have been thinking of building an oscilloscope type unit for watching waveforms / PSU outputs...and different colored lines for different traces would be nice...

Im new to arduinos, and I have build the GLCD ks1080 sketches with success...but for something like this, I dont even know where to start. I was curious if there was a library that someone may have put together for whatever configuration of display this is.

different colored lines for different traces would be nice...

as a owner of a 1988 model crt scope, i fully agree, BUT mono is still a million times better than nothing

I dont know too much about high res color screens, this one is similar in basic theory to most other qvga screens, they take a lot of data to drive (8 bits per color * 3 colors * total pixels = a lot for a 8 bit mcu), and they generally take a ton of physical resources to make it all play nice

(generic enough?)

now there is a product in the development forum that IS a qvga screen with all the junk figured out, that may be a good resource of knowledge

unfortunetly every screen I have ripped out of a pocket pc (or whatever) has no datasheet, so I have not had a chance to personally play with any of these things