[SORTED} Save and/or Print from Serial Monitor?

Hey all,

Maybe the wrong board, sorry if it is; mods move if necessary?

I don't have access to my Uno right now, so I can't test this at all. Is it possible to save, or even just print, whatever gets sent to the serial monitor? Monitor needs a connection to open up.

If the worst comes to the worst I'll do a screendump, but it would be nice to be able to save or print from the monitor.

I've downloaded puTTY but it also needs a connection to open the screen so I can see what it offers.

No biggy if you can't help: I'll check later when my Uno has finished it data logging exercise.


In windows hyper terminal you can both print and capture to file or printer

In windows hyper terminal you can both print and capture to file or printer

Ok cool, thanks.

I've never used it though. Where do I find it please- I don't see it in Start Menu > Accessories which was my best guess.

Can I use it as the destination for Serial.print() from a sketch?

Click in the output area to give it the focus.
Hold Ctrl then press A to select-all.
Hold Ctrl then press C to copy.
Paste into something that can print or save.

Yep there's always that way too. I was thinking though a "print function" would be good if the data is more than a screen full. Can always scroll of course, and do a few saves or dumps.

The steps I posted capture everything. Not just what's visible.

If you use tabs to separate columns the result pastes nicely into a spreadsheet.

Oooo ok, ta, didn't realise that. Actually I probably did know that but forgot.

Yep iirc my sketch uses tabs, if not I'll mod it.

Into spreadsheet is good idea, since I want to apply a further calc to two of the columns.


Hyperterminal isn't included in the current version of windows. You might get it off of an older version of windows. Put hypertrm.exe and hypertrm.dll in the same folder.

Ok cool, thanks.

I've never used it though. Where do I find it please- I don't see it in Start Menu > Accessories which was my best guess.

Can I use it as the destination for Serial.print() from a sketch?

Im using a swedish version of win xp so these instructions might not be appropriate.
Location: start/accesories/communication/hyper terminal
Setup: when prompted, give a name like arduino115200
choose com port
choose baud rate and oher port settings.
Save these setting by file/save

Now you should be able to use hyper terminal instead of serial monitor. You can disconnect and connect in order to reset the arduino.

Under transfer you can capture received text to either printer or file

Hope this helps