sos my microservo SG90 Micro Servo Moteur 9g is blocked !

escuse me it is google traduction ...

sos my microservo SG90 Micro Servo Motor 9g is blocked! He makes a sound as if he is trying to turn, but there is no way. in addition, it heats abnormally. I believe that this comes from the end that turns the elice because that I try to turn it manually, the elice slips on because it is blocked. I managed to put it back in place: he shot for a second and then got stuck again. please help me !

It sounds as if your servo is broken. Perhaps the internal potentiometer that identifies the position of the servo arm is not correctly aligned.


yes but when I turn it sometimes it turns a little ...

How are you powering the servo?

Can you show a schematic, not FritzNuts, drawing of the circuit?

Oh, yea. a photo of your hookup would be nice.

And for a bonus posting well formatted code in code tags would be grand.

yes but when I turn it sometimes it turns a little ...

That's what makes me think it is broken


It sounds as if your servo is broken. walmartone Perhaps the internal potentiometer that identifies the position of the servo arm is not correctly aligned.

